Nice little calf the HT, he ill be real nice for you. I do want to know something here though -- and plese understand I am not tying to tell you how to run your herd -- but listen to this -- it migh help you out later on.
That ear tag is BIG, square and heavy. That little ear is not strong enough yet to carry that weight around for very ong before it start to droop on you -- and could sometimes deform the ear for ever. I would personally take it back out at least until he gets a bit older. PLUS -- as small as that ear is -- when he wiggles his ear -- he will get that tag to start flopping around and before long, you will have a bruised or scared eye ball -- which will most certainly set you up for pink eye later on.
Again, I am just saying what I have noticed for many years -- we hardly ever even tag our calves at all until they are a couple weeks to a month old. Much stronger ear -- and lots less damage -- making sure the tag is not out on the ear too far -- it gets really heavy!
Good luck with your baby -- he's a cutie!