New Show barn for kids ideas and pictures please

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Nov 11, 2014
First time to post on this site but I’m looking to build a show barn for my kids projects. Looking for something with 6 stalls. Maybe 12x12 and also an area for a couple hogs which is a short 100 day project. I’m thinking a 40 by 80 with a feedroom and office but wanted ideas. Have anyone built a barn with ventilation in mind. Would love your thoughts on roof pitch eve height ect .  Thanks for all your input. I have already looked at several threads on Facebook


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2015
Where do you live? That definitely plays a part in the pitch of your roof.  Roof pitch comes into play for heating, cooling, shedding rain and snow, etc. You should also pay attention to the orientation of the barn.  This will help take advantage of the natural prevailing wind in your area if you want an open style barn.  Orientation is also important to take advantage of the heating effect of the rising and going down of the sun.  Do you have any trees you can use for shade?

Are you planning to go with timber framed or steel framed.  If timber framed, lay out your plan to take advantage the standard cuts of lumber to mimimize cutting and waste.

When it comes to eave height 8 or 9 feet is reasonable.  Also it always good to be able to drive your trailer through or back into your barn.  It helps a lot with loading and unloading animals amd equipment.

If you need help with overall layout I can assist if you like.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
add in life after or in addition to show barn.

access for tractor/trailer/loading ramp
pen design for above
calf panels or adjustable panel design
place to load hay by loader out of elements
drainage for downspouts away from barn

lots more to think about besides the barn.


Nov 11, 2014
We live in North Florida / south Alabama area. Gets hot and humid. I’m starting to make a list we have hay and euquipment storage already on the farm so not as concerned with that. No tress at all however we are on a hill with a good breeze that I want to try to benifit from. Lots of slopes so I will be planing on draining. My plan is to build the shell of the barn and then add to as I go but I want a master plan to go by. I’m open to a steal building of a pole barn. I been leaning towards a pole barn using 8x8”s.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2015
Gizmo said:
My plan is to build the shell of the barn and then add to as I go but I want a master plan to go by. I’m open to a steal building of a pole barn. I been leaning towards a pole barn using 8x8”s.

If you have the budget to consider using 8x8's, then you probably have the budget to invest in having your barn designed by a professional.  Let your design needs dictate what material you need. 


Nov 11, 2014
Thank you for the info. yes we are planning to use 8x8's but we are on a budget  :). who would you suggest as a professional other than a building sales rep? We want this barn to be very functional vs glamours so i want to take my time and get the lay out right the first time. sure don't want to redo several times if we can help it.   


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2015
I would see if there is a builder/contractor in your area that could help. A civil engineer or architect that freelances could help also.  A builder/contractor would be helpful to make sure whatever you do is safe and to code. 

cowman 52

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
San Angelo Texas
We built a 30 x 60, every thing is on 10 ft, alley down the middle.  Roof pitch is lower on the windy side which leaves a 16 inch gap at the gable,  you get a good draw with just a little wind,  the 10 foot pens will hold 2 head if needed and let the gates swing to hem a silly one behind the gate rather than having to go to a chute.  First pen one each side is wash rack and feed room.  We put a second floor to the west a 10 x 30. It will cause the afternoon sun to get blocked and cool down starts by 3. Up stairs makes a bunk house for us.
  Ours is 6 years old, pipe frame,  tin roof and walls,  finishing the up stairs was costliest, plumbing and elec,  plywood floor.  You can make it from about 6, all the outer fences are electric,  one pen is paneled, use it until calves learn the electric.  Its 100 plus starting in may here,  I'm not big on fans, the arctic misters are enough to keep it cool on most days.