Kleen Sheen or one of the many similar products is the best daily hair care conditioner. Its not so much what you put in his hair, its how much you work it. Keeping the hair stimulated and in the right environmental conditions is more important to growth than what you put into it. Just pay attention and dont let his skin get to dried out or to oily, both will impede hair growth.
As far intimidation of Jackpots, most Jackpots will be pretty competitive in nature. Mostly because the majority of the people that go to Jackpots in the first place are your more serious, competitive showman. Dont be intimidated by any show, as an inexperienced showman its not about winning out there, its about gaining the experience. You will never be prepared if you dont just bite the bullet and start going to the shows.
As far as feed goes. Corn, oats, and molasses are not a good feed. Personally I dont even care of my feed doesnt have any molasses at all, but it is a good energy source as is corn. Energy is what the body stores as fat, so high levels of energy in the diet are going to help put condition on him, but to much fat fed to early can hinder his frame development. Remember that cattle cannot digest or get any nutrient value from whole corn, so it needs to be rolled or cracked before feeding or your just wasting your money feeding it to them. Oats are pretty much just a filler, they dont really gain much nutrient value from oats at all. Oats are a good way to keep them from being hungry if you are trying to hold one, but at this point you dont need to worry about that. Corn is a good base for a diet, but it needs a good protein source like Soy Bean Meal added to it as well. He also needs to have a complete Vitamin/Mineral supplement, either free choice, licks, or a supplement added to his feed. I also like my feed to have a probiotic of some type to help with gut health. And I like a fiber source such as Cotton Seed Hull,its pretty much a filler as well, but unlike oats it well help to add some volume and dimension to his center. They also need enough hay to keep their gut balanced. Hay/grass can also be a filler as it is very fibrous, but it will give you the typical "grass belly" which tends to be kind of pendulous and unattractive.
My suggestion is to find a good premixed complete feed to use, or find a local feed mill that mixes feed and have them help you design a good complete mix using feed stuffs that are readily available/cheaper in your area.