I left my laptop with buyers names in the Auction market office so here is a price list. Most animals stayed in Alberta, a couple to Ontario, 2 or 3 Sask and most of the flush lots to Ron & Tammy Robarge - Ney, OHIO. Goldenview took 8 lots and that is pretty exciting and a 6 head to a new local breeder. About 4 head went to juniors. The high seller was Lot 10 at $4200. Pretty pleased wiyh how everything went!
1 Frimley Wedgewood Clare 2W 1 Cow $4,000.00 Anwender Cattle Co.
2 Flush - Frimley 2 Kitty Clare 43KFlush 1 FLUSH $1,900.00 Ron & Tammy Robarge - Ney, OHIO
3 Diamond Atlas 14A 1 Bull $1,650.00 On Site Buyer
30 Northern Zena Butterfly 14Z 1 Bred Heifer $4,100.00 On Site Buyer
40 Diamond Zoe Susan 21Z 1 Bred Heifer $3,800.00 On Site Buyer
10 Newbiggon Zsa Zsa Maid 60Z 1 Bred Heifer $4,200.00 On Site Buyer
17 Diamond Zetta Dottie 37Z 1 Bred Heifer $3,200.00 On Site Buyer
47 Added Circle M Zesty Susan 10Z 1 Bred Heifer $1,700.00 On Site Buyer
8 Diamond Zannia Maid 16Z 1 Bred Heifer $2,500.00 Goldenview Fabricating 2003 ltd - Smoky Lake, AB
6 Saskvalley Volcano 57U 1 Herd Bull $2,000.00 On Site Buyer
28 Northern Zsa Zsa Butterfly 29Z 1 Bred Heifer $2,500.00 Goldenview Fabricating 2003 ltd - Smoky Lake, AB
31 Northern Zabrina Dolly 9Z 1 Bred Heifer $2,700.00 Goldenview Fabricating 2003 ltd - Smoky Lake, AB
25 Diamond Winalot 37W 1 Herd Bull $2,100.00 On Site Buyer
42 Alta Cedar Playmate 44A 1 Heifer Calf $3,500.00 Matlock Stock Farm - Lloydminster, SK
33 Diamond Another Anna 28A 1 Heifer Calf $2,100.00 On Site Buyer
32 Circle M Ariel 5A 1 Heifer Calf $2,000.00 Goldenview Fabricating 2003 ltd - Smoky Lake, AB
44 Alta Cedar Lilly 10A 1 Heifer Calf $3,000.00 On Site Buyer
43 Alta Cedar Jeanette 23A 1 Heifer Calf $2,950.00 On Site Buyer
36 Diamond A Jacqueline 1A 1 Heifer Calf $1,100.00 On Site Buyer
37 Diamond Minnie Zara 28Z 1 Bred Heifer $3,200.00 Goldenview Fabricating 2003 ltd - Smoky Lake, AB
38 Flush - Diamond Minnie Searle 11S 1 FLUSH $2,050.00 On Site Buyer
39 Diamond Austrailian Flag 37A 1 Bull $3,100.00 On Site Buyer
13 Frimley Urban Maid 6U 1 Cow $2,300.00 On Site Buyer
14 Diamond Admiral 21A 1 Heifer Calf $1,900.00 On Site Buyer
7 Diamond Tempting Maid 8T 1 Cow $3,200.00 On Site Buyer
11 Newbiggon Yakety Maid 18Y 1 Cow $2,350.00 On Site Buyer
9 Diamond Xquisitely Maid 32X 1 Cow $2,500.00 On Site Buyer
20 Diamond Zulie Baroness 29Z 1 Bred Heifer $2,600.00 On Site Buyer
27 Northern Zandra Butterfly 26Z 1 Bred Heifer $2,800.00 Goldenview Fabricating 2003 ltd - Smoky Lake, AB
29 Northern Zofia Butterfly 15Z 1 Bred Heifer $1,900.00 On Site Buyer
35 Diamond Zerlinda Dawn 6Z 1 Bred Heifer $1,850.00 On Site Buyer
41 Diamond Zinnia Susan 36Z 1 Bred Heifer $2,150.00 Goldenview Fabricating 2003 ltd - Smoky Lake, AB
5 Diamond 4 Zizi Clare 55Z 1 Bred Heifer $2,100.00 Goldenview Fabricating 2003 ltd - Smoky Lake, AB
23 Diamond Zia Baroness 62Z 1 Bred Heifer $2,700.00 On Site Buyer
18 Flush - Diamond Baroness 31L 1 FLUSH $2,500.00 Ron & Tammy Robarge - Ney, OHIO
19 Diamond Written Baroness 8W 1 Cow $2,500.00 On Site Buyer
21 Flush - Diamond Rose Baroness 71R 1 FLUSH $2,100.00 On Site Buyer
22 Diamond Yuri Baroness 48Y 1 Cow $2,200.00 On Site Buyer
16 Diamond Xyla Dottie 1X 1 Cow $2,200.00 On Site Buyer
24 Diamond Wonderful Baroness 63W 1 Cow $2,250.00 On Site Buyer
15 Flush - Frimley Topaz Dottie 59T 1 FLUSH $2,000.00 Ron & Tammy Robarge - Ney, OHIO
45 Shorthorn x Hereford Heifer 6Z 1 Bred Heifer $2,100.00 On Site Buyer
46 Polled Hereford Heifer 2Z 1 Bred Heifer $2,000.00 On Site Buyer