Have a newborn calf that it almost looks like her joint right above her hoof is curved out the opposite way. Like she wants to walk on the outside of her toe. She gets around okay, is this something that will straighten out eventually?
It would help if you could post a photo but your calf seems very similar to a Monopoly heifer calf I had three years ago. She never got better and was docked when I sold her at the sale barn. I posted photos on SP and several folks who saw the photos thought she had some kind of genetic defect. The dam was hit by lightening two months later so I never got to see if she had any more calves like that.
Most definitely sounds like DS. Breeding?
If it is DS it only worsens with age. Calves usually have zero grow and some get more crippled as they age.
Some of the clubby bulls have been tested but the results have not been published like some of the shorthorn stock.