If he was structured that way when he hit the ground, as mentioned here, they will get going to a point most of the time, it takes a while.
If he was a couple days old and THEN started to buck over bad, and gets worse, I wouldn't be overlooking the chance that he has navel-ill. This is a very subtle illness, and is easily fixed with good old Penniccillin if caught early. There have been literaly hundreds of calves around the country, alot of them I have seen myself and even had a few here, that just want to buck over due to the fact thier knees are sore. Give them a week of Penn, make sure you go long enough, and you won't kow them most of the time!
Bad deal if not treated, for sure. But also, some of these calves just get too cramped up in there -- they will hobble around something fierce for a couple weeks and then seem to grow out of it -- at least to a point! Sever toe out is a terminal problem, and just leads to these other kinds of problems.
Good luck on him, don't give up yet!