"Over 4,000 comments were submitted to the Department of Labor about the proposed legislation. Policy analysts must review all comments before new laws can be put into place."
We will see if this country is about the will of the people or unneeded regulation. I understand the purpose of the law is to protect kids, but they are going about it in the wrong way. Attacking our livelihood and civil rights.
Heavy machinery is dangerous and I don't think anyone would argue that. I think at the very most our legislation should do is require anyone under 18 to take one day safety class to run a combine or tractor
We will see if this country is about the will of the people or unneeded regulation. I understand the purpose of the law is to protect kids, but they are going about it in the wrong way. Attacking our livelihood and civil rights.
Heavy machinery is dangerous and I don't think anyone would argue that. I think at the very most our legislation should do is require anyone under 18 to take one day safety class to run a combine or tractor