There are many sad things in this world. Meth has ruined many lives. I once hauled some guys to town that had played baseball with my son on a travelling All-Star team, only to learn that the law had chased them to my house. I told the deputy where I let them out and they were picked up.
The real sad thing that happens on this space is that no matter what someone says there is always someone who wants to present a negative about it. When a person is wrong they can be told that and informed about what is correct without someone trying to have a laugh at their expense or by being really smart and trying to bury the poor fellow. Jesus said that the one without sin can cast the first stone and he was there and could have but showed the woman mercy. An old proverb says, "You can catch more flies with a spoon full of sugar than a barrel full of vinegar." It is the sweetest time of the year with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming, why don't we all give the gift that keeps on giving, "loving-kindness?"