Appreciate it mark. Been very impressed with the steer as he's gotten more attune to show life. She's a Monopoly x Strictly Business mainetainer. Looks real good she's an April 2013 just bred to I-80 hope she stuck.
Nyk I agree with you and I own him haha. I think there's nothing about him that makes him stand out and go that's a steer I love. But when you study him as a total calf and how he moves you can't fault him to the point he's bad.
That's entirely fair. Showed more than a handful of heifers like that who have done well for me. A pic hardly tells the entire story. Movement and structure can outweigh power pretty often.
We ended up not showing the steer but the heifer outta three rings was second behind the breed champ and was reserve in one of the three rings. Pretty good for a heifer brought out of pasture a month ago