It gets pretty expensive to show here at some of our Canadian shows. I am at Canadian Western Agribition right now, and we have been here since last Friday and get released until Late Saturday, , so we are here for 9 nights in a hotel. This show will cost me almost $10,000 for my help, hotels, meals, etc, without counting the feed and work you do at home.My hotel bill is usually over $2500 as we have 2 rooms for the entire length of the show, and my wife and I stay at inlaws to cut some costs. It is very expensive, however, it is almost a must for us, in that we get more exposure than at any other place we have ever been. The day before the show started we had visitors at our cattle from Brazil, South Africa and England. We are working on a semen deal to South Africa as well as embryos to England and the show is only 1 day old. Also lots of local traffic so hopefully it will build up to our show and sale at the end of the week.