Which one? We have 2 NW district shows. One in Enid and one in Woodward, that takes in the Panhandle and the far NW counties. I spent from Saturday til yesterday in Woodward. Woodward had 107 heifers and 70-some steers. Grand steer was the champion Maine shown by Danielle Dodd from Arnett and was a Steirwalt calf. Reserve was from Balko. Champion Shorthorn was David Jett's daughter and was sired by a Vortec son they own. David's girls also had the Res. Chi that was a Jake's Proud Jazz that was a very good calf.
The Supreme Heifer was Randall Castor from Vici with a Shorthorn. She is a Sin City XEskimo Joe cow that was bred by Fleming Partnership at Laverne. Res. was the Chi and I think she came from Gregory's at Ames,OK.
One of my kids I help had the Shorthorn heifer and I will try to get a picture of her up when we get them back. She is a really nice heifer and we are looking forward to showing in OKC next week.