OK.....here's the ROUGH DRAFT.......subject to a lot of CHANGE......and this is the part where SOME or MOST of you ASSUME I'm SMOKIN' CRACK!...

We all know there are SEVERAL different types of KIDS......MOUTHY, QUIET, CONFIDENT or TIMID.....we have ALL of these types everywhere and they all grow up to be US. A team of four will be assembled....MUCH like fitting contests....and ACTUALLY could follow a fitting contest.
HOWEVER.....for this team you'll need two ARTISTS aka FITTERS.......one COMMUNICATOR.......and one SPOKESMAN...... like MOST BUSINESS OPERATIONS in the real world .....
Each team will need to be set up just like a fitting contest....but the calf could be an ALTERNATE that they just wanted to get out and never intended to show.....THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO VALUE PLACED ON THE QUALITY OF THE CALF.
ALL of the SPOKESMAN will be taken away from their group into another room or building before the contest starts, where they can't see what is going on.
The other three team members will be given a scenario by contest officials......this is JUST a TOTALLY OFF THE CUFF example of a scenario that I came up with.
"SCENARIO"......The YOUR STATE Beef Producers and the YOUR STATE AG COLLEGE are putting up $10,000 for anyone that can come up with a new MASCOT that's an actual bovine "ACCESORIZED" in the colors and emotions of YOUR STATE AG COLLEGE's FOOTBALL TEAM......
Each team will be given a set amount of wash out hair paint (like the kids LOVE at county and state fairs) in the colors of the school they need.......The calves will be fit just like at a show by the fitter or fitters in a set amount of time........after OR while fitting is done, the calf is "ACCESSORIZED" with logo's, stripes, color schemes......WHAT EVER the two ARTISTS aka FITTERS imaginations will allow them to do......ALL OF THIS in a SET AMOUNT of TIME.
Meanwhile.......the COMMUNICATOR is texting the SPOKESMAN.....informing them what the task is, what their team is doing, and BRAINSTORMING on the best slogan for the project to be PRESENTED to a panel by the SPOKESMAN........the panel could be the crowd, OR, three or four officials from the show.......THE SPOKESMAN WILL NOT SEE THE ANIMAL UNTIL IT"S TIME TO SPEAK ABOUT IT.....
The scoring percentages should be broken down into many different categories....with a set amount of points to achieve in EACH CATEGORY......such as originality, quality of artistry, quality of job conveying the message and etc...... AND GIVE AS MANY PRIZES AWAY TO THE KIDS AS POSSIBLE!
I think this would REALLY draw a CROWD of SPECTATORS......and with the UNBELIEVABLY HIGH TALENT LEVELS of some of our youth....might really surprise EVERYONE with the final product!
CHEW ON THIS FOR A WHILE......rip it apart OR run with it.....and AFTER we do this.....I'll tell you the "REST of the STORY!"