The only rat tails I am aware of were Angus X Charolais crosses. We used to see lots of them at feeder sales when we were feeding cattle. They usually had short kinky hair as well as the rat tail, and they were poorer performing cattle than normal cattle.They were usually discounted on the markets by as much as $.30 - .40. If they could be purchased cheap enough I would buy them and some of them gained decent and some would be the last to leave the pen. I'm not sure why they did not gain as well, but this is what made the cattle buyers not like them. This was back in the 80s and 90s, and many grey calves got discounted even if they weren't rat tails. These calves were excellent feeding cattle and usually could be purchased a little cheaper. Today, the Angus X Charolais cross is very popular, and I do not see many rat tail calves. I'm not sure if it was caused by certain genetics in either or both breeds, but it certainly seems there are not as many of them around.