Online embryo auction

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Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I thought I would let everyone know that we are planning an online embryo, pregnancy and flush sale from Wednesday, February 18th to Saturday, February 21st.I would invite everyone to view the sale offering by going to our website or by just clicking on the sidebar ad on the left side of this page. The sale will be held at but the links I mentioned will take you directly to the sale site. If you are at all interested, please register early so that I can approve you and give you a bidder number. Even if you are not interested, I would suggest you register..... just in case you change your mind!

Over the past few years, we have been assembling donors that we feel have some very unique qualities to the industry. Many of our donors have never seen a show ring, but  some have. Many have just proven themselves by their production. You will find a pile of out cross genetics to many of today's popular bloodlines. We are trying to provide some unique genetic packages that will result in some sound, practical breeding pieces. There are two lots of Durham Red embryos, sired by the great Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P. The first calves from these flushes are simply awesome.

I will admit that this sale was poorly planned on my part. Most of it has just come into place within the last few weeks. We plan to send some eBlasts out to let people know about it and I would appreciate it if you would pass the word around if you know of someone who may be interested. Again, I would invite you to take a look.... after all, it doesn't cost anything to look... Thanks!  Grant


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
West Central Wisconsin ( Mondovi )
The auction dates on Edje's site show 1/18-1/21. Might want to get that changed so people know it's coming up and not over. Aside from that, there are some very interesting embryo's on your sale. Good luck.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Hey Grant, Looks good! Are all of them exportable to the states ? What about a guarantee? I'll be getting registered soon. Good luck!!!

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
That also was my question JIT, exports and dates are off on the site. I did get signed up.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Thanks guys for your comments. First off, the dates listed on the update on EDJE's Breeding Cattle Pages, was supposed to have been changed by now. They must have not got to it yet , but I have sent them a reminder.

As for export status, all our embryos are washed and are exportable to most countries in the world.As for shipping them , we normally work close with the AI studs as they usually have tanks going to the major studs in the US on a weekly basis. If we can put the embryos in with a semen shipment, it greatly reduces the costs, which are really not that excessive, but they are still costs. For example, if we ship with a semen shipment to Hawkeye Breeders in Iowa, Hawkeye would then ship the embryos on to wherever the buyer wishes them to go, just like they would if you ordered semen from them. Most studs will also store the embryos if you want to pick them up yourself, or want to just store them there for awhile.

I think we offer one of the best guarantees in the business. We offer a minimum pregnancy rate of 50% at 70 days, providing an experienced embryo technician is used and normally accepted management is provided.I have had occasion to not get 50% myself, but I feel that I want to provide any buyer who puts some faith in our genetics, to get something out of their investment. I like to think that the sale is not over when the buyers cheque is cashed and the embryos are shipped.  I like to think that common sense will be used, and that buyers will try for the best conception possible. This means I hope buyers will have their recips on proper nutrition etc. I have only had two occasions, out of several hundred embryos sold, where the 50% was not achieved. In one case, a buyer in England who purchased 6 embryos, only got 2 pregnancies. I sent him another embryo the next time there was a tank going there, and it stuck, so he is a happy camper. I usually prefer to replace the embryo(s) until you achieve the minimum guarantee rather than paying out cash ( usually I have more embryos than I have cash!) In any event, I try to keep the customer happy. In return, I only ask for honesty and some common sense from the buyer.

Some people insist that a licensed embryologist implant the eggs for the guarantee to be good. I have not done this, but do ask that they be put in by someone who has experience.There are a lot of very qualified people who have great track records with ET that never went to Vet College.

I will also add that all the donors and sires  are TH and PHA free, except for one lot of embryos sired by X Ray Vision. Most of the donors are registered in both the Canadian and American herd books. There are a few of the more recent donors, who have not been registered in the ASA but that is in process and hopefully we can have this completed prior to the sale. In any event, all will have purebred status in the ASA herd book. Many of the genetics offered are out crosses to many of today's lines. 

I will be adding more information on our website prior to the sale. I haven't got to that yet. Hopefully, it will spell out more details on the guarantee, shipping, etc. If you have any questions contact me at any time.  Grant