Good comments on here!
The crew that we get our calves from had seen virtually NO traffic (other than the traders) until the day before their sale. The day before the sale, they had 4 ATV's, and 2 pickups out in the pasture for 12 solid hours, and at times there were people waiting too.
I can't speak to this from the sellers perspective, but I can from the buyers perspective. With the prices being what they are this fall, we have just pretty much quit looking. We pound up and down the highway looking for calves, and picking the "middle of the road" stuff...calves that can be "made" pretty good with some work. We aggressively bid on about 8 steers, and have been the contending bidder 8 times. On all 8 of them, we have been taken out by traders......and not Joe Blow down the road that sells a few. We have been taken out by people that everyone on here has heard of.
So......with that said, we are just going to wait awhile and go see the traders in late November or December. I don't have the time or the energy to chase these calves all over the central United States just to get outbid over and over. We will end up with good calves. We have just been forced to take a different approach. Truth be told, this is probably going to be easier anyway.
My advice to you is to make darn sure you can get some traders to come look at your calves. Make sure you give Caldwell a call and tell him what you that he will perhaps personally come out to work your sale. I wish you the best with your sale, and I will certainly log in and take a look at your calves!