Do whatever you want to do at the show at home first. Do not change what you feed at home to what you feed at the show unless its the last hope. Some steers will eat a new brand at the shows compared to at home but only use as a last resort. I agree with Tallcool1 in getting him used to the feed pan at home. Start with him eating out of the pan in the bunk, then in the pan out of the bunk, then being tied up and out of the pan. If hes not a great drinker at the show, might try adding some electrolytes to a bucket at home and get him used to the smell and bucket drinking at home also. May try I larger 40 or 70 gallon tub at home too and then take that to the show and walk him to water. Just see what works at home and get him used to a bunch so you can try more at shows.