There are several ways hold/slow down one, and everyone has their method they like best. I would rather have to hold one at the end (for a short period) than hold one to long early and play catch up the rest of the way
Try and get an empty weight on him, if you have to put him in a stall all day and then weigh him before you feed (hold water as well). You may have weighed him full (feed and 5 to 10 gallons of water) can throw your numbers off. If his empty weight is 1050 - 1100 you have 300-370 pounds you can put on him. If his empty weight is 1120 and you want to hold him for a little while you can try this: Most calves convert at a 7/1 ratio, 21 pounds=3 they can be higher or lower,have had them as low 9/1 and as high as 5/1. They also can peak and then level off or slow way down over a period of time.
Feed him Bermuda hay, and about 2 pounds of beetpulp , 2 pounds rolled oats, 2 pounds cotton seed hulls and 4 pounds of feed, plus a protein supplement and a fat supplement (We feed Calf-manna for protein and Fast Fat from Moremans for fat) twice a day. If continuous to gain on this, increase the beetpulp, oats, cotton seed hulls and decrease the feed. You want to weigh him at the same time on the same day of the week, once a week to monitor his progress. I would try and hold him for no more than a month then start feeding him again. You need to monitor and adjust his feed along the way so he hits your target weight and look at the right time.
This is for the baldy steer you posted right? he looks like he will need to be at least 1300 - 1350 empty (1380-1430 full) Our steer last year weighed 1418 pounds the day before weigh-in, he weighed 1330 at weigh-in. If you need to do this at the end I'm sure there are several people here that can help you.