Her registered name is Oakbar Dream Lady BS 2Y ET and she was born on March 1st. She weighed 90 lbs at birth and is horned. In fact, she was dehorned 13 days before the Feeder Calf Show at the Iowa State Fair, had been weaned just 5 weeks, and still was named the Reserve Champion Shorthorn. We didn't take pictures of her that day because she hadnt really got her "bloom" back after the weaning and surgery and we were working with 11 head between the Maine and Feeder Calf shows. She has changed dramatically since then and is really looking good and fresh now. I've been impressed with her depth of rib, width across her hips, and the fullness of her lower quarter. She is extrmely soft made and as sound as can be. If I still had one of my daughters showing she'd certainly never leave our farm. I hope I can work something out with her new owners to share in a flush or two down the road.