Disclaimer off the top- I manage the sale of MLC Semen in Canada-
Choppin Wood
2 Steer and 1 Heifer, off 1650lb Red Angus and two Red Sim/Red Ang. Love these calves. All unassisted, lots of vigor. The best steer is off the straight Red Angus. He has bone, lots of shape and is very correct. All will sell easy in my market. Hair is good and all are the darker caramel colour. heifer is a bit longer built, nice skulled and has a nice set to her hind leg.
Steer and Heifer. Easily the hairiest and biggest boned. Both are baldy with white bellies and socks. The steer is wicked stout. Steer off a Black Baldy Cow, not big framed but 1600+lbs. The heifer has some jam, is extremely good fronted and smooth made, love the cow a marked up Full Blood Sim looking. all unassisted,. never saw these two born, both were up and sucking when found.
Monopoly Money
Really like these calves. Lots of hair and style but don't sacrifice shape and muscle. Twins and a steer. Solid Red steer off a Brockle Hereford/Red Angus cow. He is really neat, very correct. The twins were black steer and blk brockle off a white faced Char/Hereford. Lots of bone in the steer and very hair. Heifer is fancy but unfortunately the wrong end of a twin. all unassisted, twins were sucking when found, steer was getting licked off but sucked on his own.
Red White Face heifer off a Hereford cow. really like the make up of her. long necked, great topped and lots of hip. had hair but lots of the Hereford curl came through. This cow is nothing to look at but bangs them out every year and milks well. She will have some shine come fall. unassisted, lots of vigor.
I will have a tough decision coming up with the new bulls we brought up and what to breed. Very happy with the results. My family is Canada's oldest Hereford breeders. When I started breeding clubby's my dad was a bit skeptic. He had heard all of the negative and stereotypes of breeding crossed bulls. Now after this year he is pumped about which bulls we should pick, I knew it was only a matter of time. The industry in Canada is growing like wild fire. If you are looking for a great steer or prospect heifer make sure to look into the sales north of the boarder. Prices are reasonable and the quality is there!
If you have questions feel free to holler at me. I post pictures on twitter @TheCliffsFarm and Facebook regularly. They are too large to put on here.
Kurtis Reid
[email protected] or DM me.