I have a 9 year old boy sleeping under my roof that could probably teach you a thing or two about work ethic. He'll do all of your work, and be looking for more. You now why? Because he's been taught that hard work pays off. Period, end of story. He writes that little motto under the brim of all of his ballcaps. He works hard, he enjoys being able to see that he's made a difference doing something, and the little kid is REAL help when I need it. Our showcalves may not always be winners, but I intend for my kids to be. My son stood 4th out of 13 in his class at OYE, and I couldn't have been more proud. He walked the calf, he rinsed and blew him out, he fed and watered him, he cleaned the calves' bed inside the barn every night, and he helped me daily without complaining (and I"m talking about at home, all year long. Not just at the shows.) My only regret was that I didn't get the boy a better steer, because he deserved it.
I had the privilege of watching the premium sale last night at the Oklahoma Youth Expo. They interviewed each Grand Champion and Reserve Grand exhibitor. They asked each kid a few questions like "What's your favorite part about showing?" or "What has showing animals taught you?" Without exception, they said that hard work, perseverence, attention to detail, and taking responsibility for your actions are the qualities that they've learned. That's how champions think. Your dad isn't the problem, son. I don't know how much more plainly to state it.