Part of obama vote talley ....

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i still don't get whey there isn't a new jim jones "the people's colony" movement.

if progressives had any commitment, they would.  but since they don't, i have to think of a new scam.

i hope i live long enough to see the look on progressives faces when the people come for them similar to 1789.

in the new era of "equality" government employees will be the rich and ruling class.

it will be england without the king all over.  should be fun.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Dude, give it up. The new boss is and always will be the same as the old boss. 

that's what england said about george.

america thought otherwise.

we've been encroaching back to that (not forward as lefty's claim, which by the way, left is backwards) ever since.  we were warned over 200 years ago it was so.  it's just a matter of how fast we choose to do it.  i'm all for doing it fast so i can see the mouth's drop open, and the heads fall off, just like daniel pearl.  people are clueless about the hate for freedom.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Freddy said:

Didn't expect this with over half our people picking a President ......and not this quick ......whats the answer ...

Copied this from the link you listed above:

B said...

    You know what's REALLY frustrating? Reading the REAL story behind these layoffs and realizing they don't fit into your narrative.

    The Westinghouse one, for example, is 50 chemical weapons incinerator workers that finished all of that work back in 2011 and have now finished with all of the work necessary to shut it down. It's the same case with Umatilla Chemical Depot. They finished their government contract. (You should rejoice. That's less government spending.)

    Research in Motion makes Blackberry mobile devices and is reacting to being pushed out of the market by iPhones and Droids.

    Lightyear is consolidating two offices into one and getting rid of either 15 or 17 redundant personnel (one office doesn't need two office managers, for example).

    Providence Journal says they're letting 23 people go because of reduced ad sales.

    Hawker Beechcraft is doing so to emerge from bankruptcy that resulted from a leveraged buyout in 2006. (By Romney backers Goldman Sachs, no less.)

    I'm not sure about Boeing. Seems legit in this case.

    CVPH Medical Center is laying off 17 people. This was "brought on by cuts in reimbursement, fewer admissions and less use of outpatient services, according to the Plattsburgh hospital."

    US Cellular has been bought by Sprint and elimination of redundant positions are routine in mergers and acquisitions.

    Commerzbank is a German company with a single office in the US and Iberia is a Spanish airline. Husqvarna is Swedish and half of their layoffs are in Sweden, and I can't find any announcement that any of the rest are in the US. Ericsson? Again, all those layoffs are in Sweden. I can't quite get up much concern for foreign companies.

    Do I have to go through the rest of them to make it clear that not everything fits the view of the world that we want it to? So far I haven't seen any that can be directly attributed to Obama administration policies except maybe the Boeing cuts.

    Oh, actually, there is one that I do know of. Rocketdyne is laying off 100 people because of the cancellation of the Space Shuttle program. Is it worth paying about $450 million per mission just to save jobs for 100 people?

    If you have any integrity you'll go to the source and read the stories yourself.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
stick said:
So far I haven't seen any that can be directly attributed to Obama administration policies except maybe the Boeing cuts.

coal.  stated goal to get tax it, regulate it, do whatever to bankrupt it.  driving up the cost of energy by artificially limiting supply and therefore limiting hiring, job creation.

instead, they throw money at commodity industries like ag and solar energy.  they drive up the cost of land which handicaps new farmers and makes it more difficult to compete on cost.  japan for whatever reason will pay for extremely clean grains.  lots of ways to help business and generate revenue and jobs in the private sector rather than the compliance and monitoring sector which is overstaffed and overfed.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I may be sorry but I think the only way to cut spending is to go over the cliff.....its sick.....but its gotta happen.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
It's enevitable.  Printing money backed by nothing for 100 years like a ATM machine eventually has consequences. We are just the lucky ones who get to see those consequences live. Just be glad you don't live in some big city with no chance of moving out.