OH Breeder--Yes, this is the bull we raised out of ArSuLu Tonic and our Sonny X Charmer cow. We bought him back this week to use as a clean up/herd bull here at Oakbar. The little heifer on the right in the "nap" picture is out of him and our Vortec X Red Queen cow.
JIT--Yes, we used National Park names this year and the calf in the middle of the picture sleeping and pictured with Myrtle Bo is "Prince Albert" named after the national park in Saskatchewan. The white bull calf pictured is Oakbar Glacier(TMGus X Trump/Lovely Lady 732) and we have a Shorthorn Plus bull calf (Oakbar Yosemite Sam) by a K&A Spice(Maine) out of our Oakbar Myrtle Bo VT (VortecX Myrtle Bo) cow that my daughter showed a couple of years ago.
I'm not a very good photographer and the flies were fierce the other night, so it was difficult to get very good pictures. I'd like to invite all our SP friends to stop by and see our cattle in person. All our calves are for sale this year as my daughter's move on to other activitiies.
I'll try to get some additional pictures in the next few days although its really too hot today to try it. Hopefully, I'll also be updating our website over the next few days.