pedigree software

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
Gramps is supposed to be able to be modified for livestock.  Never tried it.

We just put our dairy pedigree database online and it does as you are asking.  Any time an animals appears more than once in a pedigree it highlights them.  Many of our dairy pedigrees go back to the 60's and a few we can go back to more than 100 years.  It is still a work in progress as we have more pedigree information and details to.

One thing that we do as we register animals, any time we find an animal in a pedigree that is a carrier, we put an * at the end of their name and we have a field in our database to enter the recessive status if an animal has been tested as either free or a carrier.

We plan on doing an online pedigree database for our beef side as well in the near future.