If you wont have a cooler this summer, I'd go ahead & clip it. However, I don't know what you mean by "peel", but I'd take it down no shorter than 1/2 inch long. 5/8 or 3/4 might be better, especially with a June Show coming up. I'd leave all the leg hair & all the tail head hair alone. Afterwards, if you still have nasty, dead hair, take a grill brick to the hair on a regularly basis to help remove it. You wont have a ton of hair, but without a cooler, you probably wont have a ton of hair anyway. Fans, rinsing & brushing will grow a decent amount of hair though. But, if you brush, brush, brush & at least occasionally rinse & blow, you will have more hair than you think & it will be fresh, well trained hair. FWIW, we clipped a steer that we raised, that won Grand Champion 4H Steer at our State Fair, with a Texas Cattle Comb in the Spring. By August, he didn't have the longest hair at the show, but it was long enough, it was fresh & it popped like crazy.