Trenbolone Acetate is the real 'Big Bad Wolf' out there.. Test wouldn't do much for those show bulls because the amount they naturally produce is much higher than what's in the bottle. Tren, on the other hand, would make them change. It is legal in cattle (market heifers only on-label), but is rarely used because it is not economical. Athletes/biochemists figured out how to extract the tren from the capsules and then demand drove the prices out of reach for livestock producers. Now it requires a prescription, and from what I've heard, quantities are pretty closely monitored kinda like Sudafed.
The issue is, Tren usually comes with some nasty side effects like shrunken testes, attitude problems, and (most importantly to semen-sales) lowered semen production/quality.
It is hard to test for these things because they mirror natural Test. So you'd have to create a baseline of what is naturally possible, and anything above that gets disqualified. Which could end up ruling out a really good, naturally very masculine bull in favor of a bull that was Low-T, put on Tren, then pulled off the dope 2-3 weeks before the show (when T levels would crash because the body can no longer naturally produce Testosterone without the help of the drug).
Professional bodybuilders all use Tren. And they all test clean at The Arnold because they figure out when to stop taking the drug to pass the tests, but at that point they've had the benefits for 3 or 4 full cycles and will outshine any true Natural on the day of the Show (all other factors held constant).