not only that, he lived in the development right across the street from me. whoa. he as a 911 conspiracy guy.
it's much less stressful to vote for someone who is not a republican or democrat.
first, we get rid of the democrats, then the republicans. both are solely supported by the government unions and corporations and industries who want favors.
really it's a cross section of people who want to be rewarded for losing by getting subsidies or tax breaks. this includes people who vote for representatives who will give them a tax break on the interest on home loans, property tax etc.
it's the only way to take over speculation out of the mix beyond the cost for entry diversity into industry.
example, high farm land prices, home prices, commercial rent, and subsidizes too much money being made on derivatives which produce nothing.
but heh, lets keep calling it something else. it all boils down to rewarding failure. just like the endless threads on how do we have more than one winner and more distributed prize money at cattle shows. why not just give everyone a ribbon and make all the cash the same. why even bother with a contest. we don't need to let our kids know what failure is. lets just make everything equal. the lion must lie down with the lamb. oops, bacteria have feelings too.