Pharo Philosophies

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
ok boys, time to hug and make up, in front of everyone so you can be nice and embarrassed  (thumbsup)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
OK doc what are the annual registration of shorthorns and Red Angus. Lets start there.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Red Angus have mandatory performance data and a stayability figures. Is it a difference in cattle or the same ole area representives from the the one breed that go as a social event (same people....year after year.....nothing changes.....just get along and slap each other on the back....) Hmmmnnnn


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
alert:  shorthorn and durham reds for sale.

alert:  high priced red angus for sale, prospective buyer interested.

all good or all bad. nothing in between sale.


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2010
Hay Springs, Nebraska
knabe said:
alert:   shorthorn and durham reds for sale.

alert:  high priced red angus for sale, prospective buyer interested.

all good or all bad. nothing in between sale.
I really dont get where you are going with this knabe?  Elaborate a bit would you?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
There are no good or bad breeds. The reason for different breeds was to plug them into applications. It is about selection. Is there a reason your breed exists? How does it plug into a controlled rotational crossbreeding situation? Will economic conditions change 10 years from now that will make one breed more favorable to use than others? What will the price of corn be? What will the price of land be. Breeds should be accepted for their own strengths. It makes me sick when everybreed ha to have the ole heatseeker influence in it. Make every breed a shworing breed. lets make every breed look exactly like the other breed. lets sneak the heatseeker in there. Lets have herfords sired by heatseeker and maines sired by heatseker, and purebred angus sired by heatseeker and salers and gelbvieh sired by heatseeker. lets pull a fast one. Be tricky. Yeah thats it. I apologize in advance. The show ring tries to make every breed look the same. What some judging team coach from boogity boogity university thinks is a cool fad.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aandtcattle said:
knabe said:
alert:   shorthorn and durham reds for sale.

alert:  high priced red angus for sale, prospective buyer interested.

all good or all bad. nothing in between sale.
I really dont get where you are going with this knabe?  Elaborate a bit would you?

aj likes to knock shorthorn people who he thinks are hurting the breed.  now he's found a new breed that appears to agree with his philosophy.  neither approach is balanced or fair.

on one hand, one set of people can do no right, on the other, one set can do no wrong. 

if there was a jesus breed, he would still be on the cross.


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
aj said:
I spent some time behind a windshield today hauling bales in for a potential blizzard and did some thinking about performance testing. I always considered performance a very honorable deal. I think it caught hold in the 1960's. It was the first common sense deal of measuring profitability in the USA. Local extension agents had scales that they would take out to every cow herd and they would weigh the calves. Indexes were discussed. It was a major victory.  Anyway i got to wondering why performance testing has kind of soured for me the last 10 years or so. I guess it is because EPDS and performance testing has become a marketing tool and not a improvement tool.

I can remember extension agents doing this too.  Back when all of it was first started it was done so that people could evaluate their own herds, but then as with anything bragging comes up.  One farmer weighs his calves and then another and they meet at the coffee shop and lie to each other about how big their calves are.

I think many of us that were involved in 4-H or FFA back years ago and showing, it was very different.  Steers were from a good cowherd (not bred specifically as club calves).  It was fun back then.  Today go to a show and their are enough generators their to power a small city and still have electricity left over.  Some of the steers in these shows cost $3,000 plus.

The showring is a means and way for some producers to promote and advertise their cattle. Some take out fancy ads in magazines.  Some have really fancy websites.  Others just mail out nice sale catalogs once a year.

But I think that AJ made a statement that is correct when he said "EPDS and performance testing has become a marketing tool and not a improvement tool".

There is an old saying "Figures don't lie but liars can figure!"

Many of you, each of you have your own philosophies as well.  What is the ideal cow size?  Is it the 4.5 frame cow or the 7 frame cow?  Bottom line, it is the cow that can produce a calf with a low input cost that can return a profit.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
aj said:
Well Mike Davis...glad to know you. I hear you are calling me out. (clapping)

Sorry aj , I don't swing that way. I'm married & have 3 kids.
aj, I don't understand why you have to turn everything on here personal. I mean seriously , do you ever go back & read what you just typed & say what the heck. There are topics posted on here that all you do is post "where is roger rabbit" or something dumb like that. You don't make a real contribution to the subject, it's like you're testing the keys on your computer to see if they still work or to see if you can tic somebody off.
As far Shorthorns go , I don't understand where you come from. The Shorthorns are not a perfect breed , but no other breed out there is. I don't understand why it's so hard to realize that people raise them for different reasons. So people like to show, some people like to sell to the commercial market, some people because of the different colors,etc. As long as that person is happy doing what they are doing & can find a market for that cattle , then more power to them.