MYT Farms said:
red said:
I'll try & get some pictures at the Ohio Beef Expo. They sometimes have AI or new bulls on display.
Yay red!

Doc, I agree. If the stud and/owner is against taking pictures of a bull in his working clothes, that's fine. We're not going to be sneaking in and taking photos to TRY and ruin someone's reputation. IMHO, and I know, I'm that whacked out Pharo supporter, you shouldn't be ashamed of a bull any day of the year. Sure, most bulls loose a little condition and don't look show perfect out there. That's how I want to see them. Really don't want to put Kit up in the clouds, but he does take pictures of his bulls in their workin' clothes. Out with cows on native pasture and the picture goes into the A.I. book without any altering. Then the producer can really get an idea of what the bull looks like without long hair and adhesive. But for an example, a local guy here allowed me to be shown some pictures of his Gelbvieh bull out on pasture with the cows. Did he look ready to walk into the show ring? Not really. Is he a pretty dern good bull all things considered? You bet. Sorry for rambling again. My $0.02.
Speaking of Kit & his semen catalogue... When I took that picture of Doc Holliday, he had come straight out of the cows (fall calving), it was February, and he had not had been receiving any grain... just winter pasture & hay. I didn't doll him up, clip him or even brush or blow him. I was all by myself, so I walked him into the corral, made him stand next to the pipes (so I could keep him still & in position better), I stepped back & I took a few pictures. What you see is exactly what you get.
If a stud owner is against taking pictures, I wouldn't take them. If an owner is against taking pictures, I wouldn't take them. However, if they are at a stud, that basically the same as being on dsiplay somehwere! IMHO, as long as a bull is set up 1/2 decent & if the picture is decent, if an owner gets upset because somebody posts a picture of their bull on the net, they probably don't have a very good bull to start with. If Hawkeye or any other stud says that it's OK, then it's OK. And if one of the owners throws a fit or if they file a law suit against somebody, everyone will quickly know who not to do business with & what bull not to use. I know that sounds harsh, but it's reality & I don't care if they did come straight off the cows... a good bull should be made available for public viewing & pictures at any time... period. If not, the public shouldn't be using that bull. The only exception is if the bull had recently gotten really sick or suffered an injury. Just my opinion.
I think linnettejane makes a good point about deception.
BTW, anyone who wants to drive to the collection facility where Doc Holliday currently is being housed, has my permission to take his picture, just as long as it's decent quality & as long as he is standing in a 1/2 way decent postition & you can post it. For that matter, you are welcome to come here & take pictures of him as well, as long as I have a couple days notice so that I can let you know if somebody will be around when you show up. I'm not ashamed of & I have nothing to hide.