We've gotten in the last few days about as much as we get in a year!!! Kids have been out of school since Thursday, and have been canceled tomorrow! I like snow, but I like it even better when it melts after a day or two !!!!
The college I teach at has finals this week.... Monday and Tuesday campus was closed. Try making up finals.... Not going to be an easy task!!!!
Another wonderful day in paradise today. The radio is saying that a weather alert has been issued again. -43 C with the wind chill and exposed flesh will freeze in less than 5 minutes. So... I expect my face will be like ground hamburger again as I have to be outside almost all day! Guess I should be thankful I am not a cow!
Thanks for posting up the great pictures PPL. My favorites are the cows coming home & the bull's head shot. They both make you almost feel like you could be there and feel the type of day that it is.