american honey said:The onlOlson Family Shorthorns said:100% agree with blackcows. That was an accurate and respectful representation of what really happens at large slaughter plants. Not one bit of a negative image, if anything there was a certain respect from the reporter towards the whole process. I rather liked the video, and would encourage the public to watch it. What happens to the cattle in the time they go from the feetlot to our plates isn't necessarily pretty, why would we want to pretend that is it? It IS necessary though. There will always be radicals in every issue, and this video won't sway vicious "animal rights" activists, but it can inform the general population on what actually happens to cattle before they eat them.
It upsets me that no one was able to explain the video. It would have been better if there was someone there to explain parts of the video.
I think that they did a great job of explaining things...What would you like to have seen better explained? I thought they showed the process as well as they could in a short segment. I though the plant manager did an excellent job of answering the question, certainly better than I could. She wasn't combative and had respect for others (non meat eaters) postions but respectfully disagreed. I thought it was pretty cool at the end when the lady doing the segment saw the split carcass in the cooler and said something like "there's a ribeye" almost like something clicked.....what it was all about.