I need any advice anyone can give or any suggestions. At the end of July our electric coop came through and sprayed the brush(and a lot more) under the power lines with chemicals. We stopped the men that were doing the spraying at my grandparents house while they were spaying shrubs in there yard. One of them only said "I spray" . That was all we could understand. We ran them out of the yard and that was the last we seen them. 8 days later I came home from out of town to find a dead cow. Vet came and couldn't find anything wrong. (she had been dead about 2 days) 2 days later 2 cows had dead calves about 3 weeks early, and another the next day, and then another. After about a week of this and the vet being at my house more than his office we finally put the spraying and the problems together. About this time brush, grass, and everything else around the power lines was dead enough to see where all had been sprayed. There were dead spots out into the pasture 30 feet, even worse all grass around and IN the creeks were the cattle drink was dead. And worst of all grass in my yard were my kids play had been sprayed. We called the coop and they directed us to the contracted sprayer who said there was nothing harmfull in the spray to people or animals. After that I contacted the state dept of Ag who sent someone to inspect the spraying. The inspector said there was multiple violations, but they cant help with animal damages just plant.He took samples and many pics. and said it would be 2 to 4 months before we would hear anything. Since then I noticed a LOT of my spring herd in heat and at preg check 70% of my heifers were open and 45% of the cows were. After speaking with the spray company owner and being blown off again we have tried to find an attorney to help us but all of them say they don't handle this stuff or they don't want to do it at all. I need help and advice. Thanks for any you can give.