a policitician usually can't create jobs, tha's what companies are for and where revenue comes from in the form of income tax, property tax, sales tax etc. most government programs create NOOOOOOOOOOOOO income. when no one represents the taxpayer for benefits for politician created jobs, ie university regents, coastal commissions, government unions, your taxes go up. in California, we just forked over 10 billion for infratructure in the form of bonds in addition to several other billion dollar bonds. now the governor is running commercials asking for a 46% increase for school funding. and he won't let fisherman fish, oil drillers drill, cattlemen graze, on and on. perhaps we should turn all of california into a giant park where it is illegal to be human or exhale CO2 and foister all of "our" values on the other states. when voters don't pay taxes, they always vote themselves more benefits. people say we need to tax the rich more. why do non-property owners get to vote whether to raise property taxes? the distribution of who pays taxes is alarming. socialism is coming, (or is already here) since one of it's basics tenents is, pay taxes how you are able. are you willing to stop it? which candidates have the highest communist/socialist rankings? which presidential candidates understand incentive and property rights? too few i'm afraid.