politness-or need to be

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Active member
Jan 4, 2011
N.C, Montana
vegan's are in denial

Eyes in front of the head

small ears on the side of the head

insisoors ,canine and molar teeth

= pedator


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
chambero said:
It's called taking the high road for a reason- it always works out better for you in the end and you will end up in a better, higher place in life than they will.  One should be very cautious in ever intentionally burning bridges with someone, even if you can't imagine a situation that it could hurt you.  People "with issues" always get theirs in the end.

To be successful in life (by whatever definition you want to use), you don't have to be great at anything, you just have to not be self-destructive and that puts you in better shape than 80% of the people out there.  How many people destroy or at least continually set back their life with stupid decisions - ones that result in divorce, loss of jobs, and even with ones that cause them to lose their moral compass or sense of priorities (I put animal rights, goofy religions, etc in this category).  

Do you think your cousin is truly happy?  People that aren't want to make reassure themselves that everyone they come in contact with is as miserable as they are.  That's why its dangerous to consort with pessimists.  The greatest gift my wife has given me is helping me learn to be happy with where I'm at and what I'm doing - not to put too much emphasis on tomorrow or "someday".  I grew up with family members that always worried about "what was wrong".  

It doesn't hardly ever hurt us to be polite.  You never know when it might unexpectedly help.  My pesonal exception is when it involves someone potentially doing something detrimental to my kids.  That's when it doesn't hurt to let people know you have "fangs" that can be used when appropriate.

Great post Robert! There are so many negative stereotypes out there, and the worst thing someone can do is prove them correct.  Just because the cousin is proving her stereotype correct, doesn't mean that you have to turn right around and prove her correct.  People reap what they sow.  I am personally very proud of my country roots, having spent plenty of time working in the fields and spent plenty of time celebrating life around a tailgate.  But I want to be known as a person who can have an intellegent, thought provoking conversation with anyone, and just as willing to learn as I am willing to teach. (still working on a lot of this)  And not known as just some country boy from Nebraska that likes to play with cows.  The high road will get you to where you want to be, not to where you are.  

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
I have a very similar cousin that grew up in St. Lewis.  When he was younger he wanted me to take him out hunting and show him how.  His mother said that guns and hunting were bad so he never got the chance.  Now he is a vegan living out in la la land and has no clue how the "real world" works.  I have tried to talk to him a few times but I just cant.  He starts to spout off some of his vegan animal rights garbage that is backed with emotion and "I just wishes" rather than facts.  Then when I give him the facts and tell him where to find the REAL answers he just gets pissed.  Oh well that's life.  Everyone is entitled to their own openion even if it is wrong. 


"I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat plants"


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2009
SW Oklahoma
Davis Shorthorns said:
Everyone is entitled to their own openion even if it is wrong. 

Reminds me of a boss I had once.  He'd often tell people "Well, I could agree with you..... but then we'd both be wrong."  (lol)


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Great topic...see I told you this would produce some "Golden Kernals"..........it takes all kinds......BUT IT IS SO MUCH MORE FUN TO HANG OUT WITH CATTLE PEOPLE!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
cowz said:
Great topic...see I told you this would produce some "Golden Kernals"..........it takes all kinds......BUT IT IS SO MUCH MORE FUN TO HANG OUT WITH CATTLE PEOPLE!

...and eat steak!
Today her thoughts are...did your cows asked to be slaughered and eatten?  I said no, but my car didn't ask to be driven, and your tofu may like to be eatten either.  I was lacking patience today could ya tell lol