We represent as a registry Fleckvieh, Montbeliarde, Swedish Red and White, Norwegian Red, Red Dane and other dairy crosses.
The Fleckvieh has a few polled bulls that are available, Norwegian Red also has some polled bulls and they are also ranking very high for TPI which is increasing their use. Many of the other breeds are working towards being able to have and offer polled genetics.
Pressure from animal activist groups (even in Europe) is putting more pressure to stop de-horning because of them thinking it is cruel.
In recent years there has been more interest in having the polled gene available, but in order for producers to take using polled animals more seriously the bulls need to be homozygous polled, otherwise there is only a 50% chance of getting a polled animal. But again, breeding specifically for the polled gene is not something that very many dairy producers are doing.
With the dairy industry, production is what is most important and pays the bills and that is how the bulls are chosen for use, based on production traits. As polled becomes a management trait that can be incorporated into the selection of bulls to use, and with Embryo Transplant it would be quite easy to flush top cows to polled bulls to increase the availability of polled sons from some of these cow families.
Here in the US there are Jersey and Holstein breeders that have been breeding for the polled gene for over 40 years.