Potential genetic defect in Shorthorn cattle

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Active member
Jan 9, 2015
I talked to a geneticist the other day.  He said they're working on markers for close to 50 chromosomal issues. He said no matter how hard you work to eliminate them, you never will. Just have to manage them. Will be the story for the next 100 or so years. 



Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
E3 Durhams said:
Then blood test every animal. God knows each member pays enough in dues.You're right, we do. But I can assure you the ASA, won't absorb that cost, they will pass it on. Set forth a rule stating a member cannot sue the association over genetic defects policy.I truly need you to explain to me how you make a rule that no one can sue you. At least something protecting them from being held liable for a breeders own actions. Set the standard. If a breeder wants to continue using carrier Bulls they can start another association for carrier cattle. The only reason there is a market for defective cattle now is because popular breeders have made them acceptable and judged worthy of winning a show.No sir, BUYERS have made it acceptable. As long as the breed bows to the show ring the problems will persist.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Setting rules that protect the breed are tyranny. Little dramatic don't you think all wise and powerful knabe? What's wrong with blood testing every animal? Solve a lot of problems. This breed isn't gaining much ground is it? I am trying to make something. In all your years what have you made? Sweet Jesus. I can probably piss higher on a fence post then you. I will cull any bull I produce that is a carrier. I've got a good beef market going that it can help fill. Why would anyone want to sue the ASA for lost money over a genetic defect? It is what it is! It's a defect that isn't desirable. That's not tyranny jackass. That's common sense to not propagate that! i won't call anyone. I'll just cull the animal. no Fidel Castro speeches following it. and this isn't human politics last I checked so give me a break. This is the business of breeding better animals. Maybe not make the rules. How about recommendations instead. And give reasons as to why it should be frowned upon. How many genetic defect cattle you breeding right now?


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Buyers buy them for two reasons. They don't know better or they don't care and are in it for the chance of one good calf out of ten. Just like show pigs. It's ignorant.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
With the volume of piss you have, I bet you have a big pile of straw to raise the N content with all your straw man arguments.

There's probably another pile of bull manure right next to it.

Just make something. Stop complaining about what people have or have not made as if that had relevance of the argument. Using that argument is a symptom of tyranny. You are just another in a long list of pious complainers that want to fix everything by telling everyone else what to do. We can see right through you.

I bet your phone is off the hook with people calling about taking over the assn.

Maybe another week or two and you should have enough votes to run as president of the assn and throw out all the rules and make up your own set.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
E3 Durhams said:
how many genetic defect carrying bulls did SAV sell last month?

You might have the angry defect. Maybe it's the self righteous one, I can't remember.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
I'm all for knowing carrier status, not so much on mandatory culling. We're in the infancy of genomic testing, it will open a massive can of worms in 15-20 more years when 5 or 10 or 30 "defects" are found.

Bottom line is, you can't really force people to breed cattle a certain way. If somebody thinks they're responsible enough to own a breeding cow, they can be responsible enough to not stack carriers. People have to be allowed to make their own mistakes.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
E3 Durhams said:
It's not that difficult to me. Make a rule that forbids known carrier bulls be used in Seedstock production. Breed the cows clean. That way you're not eliminating any Particular bloodline. As far as a breeder suing the ASA over loss of income I say pass a new rule forbidding it. Let the whole assoc vote on it. Vote on everything. Not just the board. When Gene Hackman showed up in Hickory, Indiana, he sure set the bar high. Shook things up. Demanded their best. Any purebred breed should be just like that. Cull ruthlessly. Quit playing politics.  Demand the best. Allow the Asa employees to speak freely on their opinions of different herds. Let them give recommendations. Any breed should be focused on improving the breed above all else. The interest of the ASA shouldn't sway to the influence of a big breeder over a little one. Keep it simple. Keep it honest. Let the cream rise regardless who breeds it. Everybody would be a lot farther along if we could all get out of each other's way. A good critter can come from a nobody just as easily as it can a big shot. The number of cattle you run doesn't reflect ones knowledge or skill. The fact a breeder is willing to propagate a potential wreck down the road for a short term gain shows their ignorance and greed. And personally they are not true cattleman. They are just salesmen.

Lenin, Wilson, teddy Roosevelt, Mao, Stalin, Obama, pot, Mussolini, fdr, UN, would be proud.

Founders warned of a pure democracy.  Course no one ever thinks about that or understands it's tyranny.

I think E3 is spot on. And you're damn right the aforementioned would be proud-- so am I! These are people who see the big picture,, people like E3 Durham who are able to look past the selfish interest of the individual and focus on the betterment of the breed as a whole.  We don't give a flying fuck about the founders.  We're talking about the here and now. We're talking about renegades-- people with their own philosophies speaking their mind, bringing awareness to table, people of ACTION changing the course! 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I see the big picture of the likes of you and your kind.

A sort of progressive Isis, kill those who you disagree with and take their stuff.

I bet you hunker down for a good laugh with cage burnings and be headings.

I'm not surprised you haven't gone to Syria, you are just waiting for the opportunity here. 

Glad you spelled it out for everyone what the real progressive agenda is.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
librarian said:
If an economic fitness allele is regulated by a genetic weakness allele, which is dominant and which is recessive?

Neither, all is regulated by x-bar and e3 and both of them are dominant.  Between them, I'd venture to say x-bar is dominant. Sort of like Castro and Guevara.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Ill report back to you yearly on my progress kanabe. I'm not angry at all. You are. I just stated my opinion. You attacked angry man. If there is lots of defects to come why keep using ones you already know of? I never said eliminate the bloodline. I said eliminate using carrier bulls. But I guess that's right up there with Stalin. That made me laugh. by wanting to eliminate carrier bulls I'm on my way to joining Isis in Syria. What are you smoking bro? You again are comparing the purebred management of a livestock animal for beef production to human issues around the globe. That's pretty straw man to me. Go outside take a deep breath. Maybe watch a Bob Ross show.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
E3 Durhams said:
I'm not angry at all.

doubtful with the statements you make and the ones you continue to make.

you create too much fodder for humor.  you have the situation backwards.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
E3 Durhams said:
Ill report back to you yearly on my progress kanabe. I'm not angry at all. You are. I just stated my opinion. You attacked angry man. If there is lots of defects to come why keep using ones you already know of? I never said eliminate the bloodline. I said eliminate using carrier bulls. But I guess that's right up there with Stalin. That made me laugh. by wanting to eliminate carrier bulls I'm on my way to joining Isis in Syria. What are you smoking bro? You again are comparing the purebred management of a livestock animal for beef production to human issues around the globe. That's pretty straw man to me. Go outside take a deep breath. Maybe watch a Bob Ross show.

read my post carefully.  you go on and on how you think people out to be forced to do something they don't want to.

spoken like a true liberal.

logic is consistent, no matter the application, something liberals are incapable of realizing.

it's pretty much a given that we are all hypocrites, recognizing that and the inconsistencies in our logic and why they exist leads to what most people call culture.  violating the hypocrisy is what ends culture and starts new ones, only to repeat.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
E3 Durhams said:
Ill report back to you yearly on my progress kanabe. I'm not angry at all. You are. I just stated my opinion. You attacked angry man. If there is lots of defects to come why keep using ones you already know of? I never said eliminate the bloodline. I said eliminate using carrier bulls. But I guess that's right up there with Stalin. That made me laugh. by wanting to eliminate carrier bulls I'm on my way to joining Isis in Syria. What are you smoking bro? You again are comparing the purebred management of a livestock animal for beef production to human issues around the globe. That's pretty straw man to me. Go outside take a deep breath. Maybe watch a Bob Ross show.

read my post carefully.  you go on and on how you think people out to be forced to do something they don't want to.

spoken like a true liberal.

What's your point?  The ASA is a PRIVATE organization with tentative rules and regulations.  We have the right to voice our opinions to raise awareness and collectively vote on ANY amendment we so choose.  I have to comply with the current standards-- that does no mean we can't promote legislating a higher standard, a standard we believe will be paramount in the advancement of the breed. 