E3 Durhams said:
It's not that difficult to me. Make a rule that forbids known carrier bulls be used in Seedstock production. Breed the cows clean. That way you're not eliminating any Particular bloodline. As far as a breeder suing the ASA over loss of income I say pass a new rule forbidding it. Let the whole assoc vote on it. Vote on everything. Not just the board. When Gene Hackman showed up in Hickory, Indiana, he sure set the bar high. Shook things up. Demanded their best. Any purebred breed should be just like that. Cull ruthlessly. Quit playing politics. Demand the best. Allow the Asa employees to speak freely on their opinions of different herds. Let them give recommendations. Any breed should be focused on improving the breed above all else. The interest of the ASA shouldn't sway to the influence of a big breeder over a little one. Keep it simple. Keep it honest. Let the cream rise regardless who breeds it. Everybody would be a lot farther along if we could all get out of each other's way. A good critter can come from a nobody just as easily as it can a big shot. The number of cattle you run doesn't reflect ones knowledge or skill. The fact a breeder is willing to propagate a potential wreck down the road for a short term gain shows their ignorance and greed. And personally they are not true cattleman. They are just salesmen.
Lenin, Wilson, teddy Roosevelt, Mao, Stalin, Obama, pot, Mussolini, fdr, UN, would be proud.
Founders warned of a pure democracy. Course no one ever thinks about that or understands it's tyranny.