Private Treaty Sales

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
How's everyones private treaty sales doing?  I've been to a few this year so far and it seems like the prices aren't as strong as I thought they would be.  However, you hear about the $50K calves that are out there.  Just haven't been seeing them myself. Just curious what everyone else is seeing.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2008
Eastern Nebraska
Our sale ended on Sunday. We were really pleased with the amount of traffic and we sold more calves than we've sold in past years. I think most people in our area were also really happy with how their sales turned out.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
Good to hear that your sales did well!  Thanks for responding to my post! 

Not sure what about Private Treaty Sales scared folks away from posting.  Guess I should have posted something either political or posted a picture of a calf and asked what folks thought about it.  That way I could get 5 posts telling me how I needed to take a better picture.  God forbid we talk about the selling of show steers on steer planet.  :)


Aug 5, 2010
Are you asking about a certain sale or calf that you missed out on? Ever think that some people don't want the whole world to know what there cattle brought? You work in town? What is your hourly/salary pay? Somethings are just none of your business.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
Thanks for the positive response.  I'm not asking for a list of what each animal brought just your ideas on how sales are going.  In general, are they up or down.  What's your thoughts on the quality?  You don't have to tell me what you make and I didn't expect that.  Just some generalizations.  Read my initial post.  Where in there does it ask for what you make?


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
Boy, iowacattle you jumped right to the negative on that. Simply re-reading the post by Forcey you could easily understand that he wasn't asking what you assumed.  So to comment on your post, Forcey, I really don't like private treaty sales.  I actually really enjoyed my experience this year with the internet sales.  I just feel there is less room for "non exsistant" bids here.  You can see how many times an actual bidder has bid and what prices have been bid.  Sojka's set on breedersworld was very impressive.  Deep set there


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
I thought Sojka's cattle looked great too.  The other internet sale that had some cool ones was Keller's in IL.  The internet thing seems to be the wave of the future.  How's everyone's buying/bidding experience been with that from both the seller and buyer's perspectives?  I have to believe it's much easier than calling folks from the seller's experience. 

Also thanks for adding to the discussion iowabeef.  I really didn't have bad intentions by starting this.  I just thought it would be cool to talk about what folks have been seeing out there and to see if buyers/sellers have been satisfied so far.  I really don't need details. 

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Junk calves selling too high. Really good calves selling average. Excellent calves selling poor.
Think people are tired of "playing the game". Those that have the disposible income to lose will pay too much for an average calf. That that want a project will buy anything to get the process over with.
That being said: I haven't seen any really "great calves" either.... seem to be the same ol' same ol'.  I guess that's what you get when you use the same bull for 10 years, and clone animals. Nothing changes if nothing changes.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
Show Heifer said:
Junk calves selling too high. Really good calves selling average. Excellent calves selling poor.
Think people are tired of "playing the game". Those that have the disposible income to lose will pay too much for an average calf. That that want a project will buy anything to get the process over with.
That being said: I haven't seen any really "great calves" either.... seem to be the same ol' same ol'.  I guess that's what you get when you use the same bull for 10 years, and clone animals. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

The judges keep picking Heatwaves and nobody does Heatwave better than Heatwave.  Have to change the demand end before anyone will change the product.

Big Red Barn

May 8, 2009
Haven't had a chance to make it to any private treaty deals yet this fall. I talked to a co-signer from the Cedar Rapids Simmental sale who was pleased. He thought the steers were probably more in demand than the females, which suprised him.
I have, however, been keeping a watchful eye on Breeder's World Internet Sales. Sojka's really do a great job breeding cattle and working to get the best out of them. Solid set for sure. The internet sales are a great way to add some range in demographics to your sales. They also can make a person nervous bidding! Any animals that I called on I got honest descriptions from the breeders, either telling me that a certain one probably wouldn't fit what I was looking for. I found that some heifers I liked from the videos and genetically, turned out to be completely different in person. Not bad, just not my type. Thats where I think trust in a breeder's opinion really comes into play if you can't look through the lots personally.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2010
I have been watching the Breeder's World sales and the Caldwell sales.  Of the two, I prefer Breeders World.

Breeders World leaves its sales up for the public after its sales have ended, but Caldwell does not.  I feel more comfortable with an auction company that makes the bid histories public, because fraudulent bidding is easier to detect. 

Additionally, I prefer Breeders World, because Caldwell (I've heard, anyways) is purchasing cattle out of his own sales.  So, basically, you'll never buy a steer at a Caldwell sale for less than Caldwell is willing to pay.  Still, they are both great websites, and they provide significant improvements over the old sales techniques.   

Jive Turkey

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
STEER_1981 said:
I have been watching the Breeder's World sales and the Caldwell sales.  Of the two, I prefer Breeders World.

Breeders World leaves its sales up for the public after its sales have ended, but Caldwell does not.  I feel more comfortable with an auction company that makes the bid histories public, because fraudulent bidding is easier to detect. 

Additionally, I prefer Breeders World, because Caldwell (I've heard, anyways) is purchasing cattle out of his own sales.  So, basically, you'll never buy a steer at a Caldwell sale for less than Caldwell is willing to pay.  Still, they are both great websites, and they provide significant improvements over the old sales techniques.     


All of the guys pictured and associated with BW are reputable guys.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
Show Heifer said:
Junk calves selling too high. Really good calves selling average. Excellent calves selling poor.
Think people are tired of "playing the game". Those that have the disposable income to lose will pay too much for an average calf. That that want a project will buy anything to get the process over with.
That being said: I haven't seen any really "great calves" either.... seem to be the same ol' same ol'.  I guess that's what you get when you use the same bull for 10 years, and clone animals. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Theres that positivity! Always a glass half full.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
STEER_1981 said:
I have been watching the Breeder's World sales and the Caldwell sales.  Of the two, I prefer Breeders World.

Breeders World leaves its sales up for the public after its sales have ended, but Caldwell does not.  I feel more comfortable with an auction company that makes the bid histories public, because fraudulent bidding is easier to detect. 

Additionally, I prefer Breeders World, because Caldwell (I've heard, anyways) is purchasing cattle out of his own sales.  So, basically, you'll never buy a steer at a Caldwell sale for less than Caldwell is willing to pay.  Still, they are both great websites, and they provide significant improvements over the old sales techniques.     

Thanks for the info on the two different web sites.  I have really also prefered the Breeders World Sales just by the feel of the site and the people who have chosen to sell there.  Seems more up and up. The bid histories section is what I like does help detect bid hype. 

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
STEER_1981 said:
I have been watching the Breeder's World sales and the Caldwell sales.  Of the two, I prefer Breeders World.

Breeders World leaves its sales up for the public after its sales have ended, but Caldwell does not.  I feel more comfortable with an auction company that makes the bid histories public, because fraudulent bidding is easier to detect. 

Additionally, I prefer Breeders World, because Caldwell (I've heard, anyways) is purchasing cattle out of his own sales.  So, basically, you'll never buy a steer at a Caldwell sale for less than Caldwell is willing to pay.  Still, they are both great websites, and they provide significant improvements over the old sales techniques.     

You weren't able to view the calves bid history's on Caldwell. I did, you clicked on bidder number and you could see how many bids were and the bidder number. But you are right they do take the sales down at completion. I purchased a calf in one of the Caldwell auctions. I liked the terms of the sale and the follow up was pretty good. I received both a phone call and a couple of emails.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2010
Hi, Oh Breeder, I was just referring to the bid histories being available following the auctions, rather than just during the auctions.  I like looking at the bid histories after-the-fact. 


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
If you will go to the breeders web sites, you will find that the bid history is still there. I don't think they have any reason other than saving space not to keep them up as one poster seemed to think it was due to hide shady dealings. Caldwell is a steer buyer. He is one of the few that have made it through the glut of them that existed a few years ago. Must be a reason. If I am a producer and I know that Caldwell buys cattle from his sales then it's a stupid business decision not to use that service if the other company does not. Conversely, if I am a producer and I know that Caldwell is not going to buy from his own sales then there is no way I would use him and cut out a possible buyer. I don't see it as unethical for a producer to sell something to the auctioneer. Bonham sure is a buyer at the sales he sings. Other that the fact that Caldwell is a buyer and a owner of an auction service I see no difference in the auction companies in effectiveness or appearance. I think from a breeders perspective the sales from Caldwell have performed better. But it could be that the breeders that used Caldwell have the better cattle.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
OH Breeder said:
Show Heifer said:
Junk calves selling too high. Really good calves selling average. Excellent calves selling poor.
Think people are tired of "playing the game". Those that have the disposable income to lose will pay too much for an average calf. That that want a project will buy anything to get the process over with.
That being said: I haven't seen any really "great calves" either.... seem to be the same ol' same ol'.  I guess that's what you get when you use the same bull for 10 years, and clone animals. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Theres that positivity! Always a glass half full.

Maybe your one of those that always enjoy having smoke blown up your back side, or the wool pulled over your eyes. That is YOUR deal. Some want honest answers. I tend to give those. I do not apologize for that.
At least I answered the question with honesty. Plus, the orginal poster was a bit peeved that no one responded, and it seems that whenever I respond, EVERYONE jumps in. That is what I have seen. If you have seen something different, then by all means, post your observations.  Instead you are arguing about what auction site is better. Not exactly what the orginal question was, but hey, I 'm just sayin'