Prolapsed Uterus Advice?

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Sep 29, 2009
I had a first calf heifer prolapse her uterus during birth in May. It will be 45 days since on June 23.  Anyone have any suggestions advice on helping her get bred?  Not going to AI, planning for herd bull to cover her.



Well-known member
May 14, 2007
I would suggest not having her bred either way. If she prolapsed once she is very likely to prolapse again and again. It is also likely to pass on to further generations so her heifer calves would be prone to prolapsing. I had one cow this spring that was producing good at 8 years old prolapse without any warning, we had the vet out within 20 minutes to put it back in and stitch her up. She died 2 hours after calving from a prolapse.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2010
urish50 said:
I had a first calf heifer prolapse her uterus during birth in May. It will be 45 days since on June 23.  Anyone have any suggestions advice on helping her get bred?  Not going to AI, planning for herd bull to cover her.
I had the same thing happen in 2007, I asked the vet the same question as you and he said to treat her the same as I would any other heifer.  I AI'ed her to Dr. Who and she stuck and delivered with no problem.  Still have the cow and getting along fine.  In fact we kept her daughter from 2007 and she has calved twice with no problems.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
drl said:
I would suggest not having her bred either way. If she prolapsed once she is very likely to prolapse again and again. It is also likely to pass on to further generations so her heifer calves would be prone to prolapsing. I had one cow this spring that was producing good at 8 years old prolapse without any warning, we had the vet out within 20 minutes to put it back in and stitch her up. She died 2 hours after calving from a prolapse.
There is absolutely NO evidence that a heifer who prolapses her uterus related to dystocia (difficult calving), straining and changes in electrolytes (esp calcium) and hormones will prolapse her uterus again - this has been covered before and I think there are references cited - if the uterus was returned and the heifer did not develop an infection she should be as good a s new. In fact you could AI her and possibly have good results - I have seen heifers who prolapsed stick the first time AI -- no reason not to try

It is likely that your cow died after the prolapse was replaced because the weight of the uterus tore a large blood vessel - once returned there was nothing to put pressure on the vessel and she bled out into her abdomen


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
West Jefferson, Ohio
There is no reason not to breed her. I had a first calf heifer that had the same thing happen and she healed up just fine and has bred back AI every year, and has 6 calves since with no problems at all since the first time.