Proposed Colorado livestock legislation

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Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Everyone better check out the proposed Protect Animals From Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation legislation in Colorado.  Among other things, it will prevent the slaughter of animals until they have reached a certain percentage of their expected life span.  According to the bill, the expected lifespan of a cow is 20 years, a chicken 8 years, etc.  I believe the article said they need 124,000 signatures to put the rule on the ballot.  This type of thing is never ending, proposed by folks who have absolutely no knowledge of agriculture.  We need to stay aware and the production associations we pay money to need to combat these types of actions.   


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
This is just more vegan / enviro harassment.  They got the wolf introduction by ballot initiative so they can harass agriculture, especially on the West Slope and in the mountain valleys.

Ag in Colorado is vastly outnumbered by the urban masses, but there are good animal protein customers in the urban areas and ag needs to reach out to find all the friends it can.  The ballot initiative as I understand it is somewhat a protracted process where the pushers of it have to first collect a certain number of signatures.  The producer organizations are taking it seriously, are on it and no one is ignoring it, but there are limited things they can do to stop the collection of signatures except work on engaging the public and getting out front of the PR campaign.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
If passed, it will be illegal to flush, palpate or ai in Colorado because it violates a cows reproductive tracts. Insanity!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Sort of obvious, but using the same logic, no restrictions on abortion.

They value animal life over human.



Well-known member
Jun 2, 2012
Liberals are trying to legislate us into their ideal world where we are all free, smoke dope, and hopefully money, and food, falls out of the sky!
I don't feel these guys have any idea of what is needed to feed the world and, unfortunately, they have managed to get the liberal media on their bandwagon.
I deal with the irrational misconceptions about farming from my teenage daughter fairly regularly, none of the instigators actually have the facts. We need to market ourselves better!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
The goal is no meat, but abortion is allowed. Simple as that.

Why won’t they allow the unborn the same right?

Total hypocrisy.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
knabe said:
The goal is no meat, but abortion is allowed. Simple as that.
Why no meat?
So Gates ( largest private cropland owner in the county) can grow all the crops for veggie based meat?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
No meat because it fits all the narratives.

Global warming
Animss as us are human
Meat eating is colonialism
Insert whatever.

It doesn’t matter.

You can’t argue with them.

They will impose their bubble on everyone.

Literally, the only thing stopping them is the filibuster.

They have been playing and winning in so many levels since Woodrow Wilson, that literally no opposition has arisen.

Any that has is labeled as extreme.

Same thing over and over.

Nothing will stop them.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2015
Here's my non-conspiracy-theory 2 cents on why the subject isn't being discussed more:
The only coverage this subject is getting is about how this will harm producers. In reality, these stories aren't going to change public perceptions or make anyone voting in Denver care. Word needs to spread on the impact of this on the consumers. Higher costs of meat in CO, greater environmental impact of shipping in beef from out of state vs eating local, etc. People talk about the things that will harm them directly and just say "that sucks" when you tell them how it hurts you (the producer).

Now for my hot-take on the legislation that may make some people mad:
At the end of the day, our job is to produce what people want to buy. We can't just tell them they want to eat what we produce without explaining why they want us to do what we do. Losing AI/ET/Ultrasound pregnancy checks would certainly change things, but it's not like we can't produce beef without them. If anything, it would probably raise the floor price on bulls and drop the ceiling a fair bit as AI companies stop bidding and more producers buy more herd bulls. Blood preg checks and better herd bull records could sufficiently replace the preg checks--particularly with no more AI/ET programs. The minimum age for butchering, however, would be a big challenge to face. This would likely result in major structural shifts in the industry. The end results would be higher retail beef prices and more consolidation in the industry.
To make it clear, I'm not in favor of the legislation, and I'm not saying the above scenario would be pleasant. I'm just saying this isn't going to force you all into veganism.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Shortybreeder, this is a good point of view. Thanks for sharing.  I doubt many producers could handle the transition to holding their calf crops 3 more years but who knows. Hopefully it doesn't come to that (thumbsup)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i'd say keep the national western out of denver until they balance narratives to be more friendly to all instead of just one narrative.

the left is about choice, but in reality, all they do is eliminate it.


Medium Rare

Well-known member
Aug 18, 2013
knabe said:
i'd say keep the national western out of denver until they balance narratives to be more friendly to all instead of just one narrative.

the left is about choice, but in reality, all they do is eliminate it.

Cattleman's Congress has already scheduled their next show to overlap with the National Western's dates. Oklahoma has committed to supporting the show and claimed it brought in something crazy like 40 million dollars to their economy. A choice now exists, so people will be able to speak with their dollars.

I believe it was the Hereford association who might have threatened to pull out of the National Western all together.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2015
Medium Rare said:
knabe said:
i'd say keep the national western out of denver until they balance narratives to be more friendly to all instead of just one narrative.

the left is about choice, but in reality, all they do is eliminate it.

Cattleman's Congress has already scheduled their next show to overlap with the National Western's dates. Oklahoma has committed to supporting the show and claimed it brought in something crazy like 40 million dollars to their economy. A choice now exists, so people will be able to speak with their dollars.

I believe it was the Hereford association who might have threatened to pull out of the National Western all together.
I wholeheartedly agree. Personally, I'd rather be in Oklahoma than Denver in January, and if they want to be more ag-friendly then that's even more incentive to switch.


Active member
May 23, 2018
Center, Co
    I live here in this rapidly trending anti-ag state. It breaks my heart what they are doing to us here. I don’t understand why Cattleman’s had to overlap the NWSS dates. I’m all for an all cattle major just do it at another time.
    My plea to all of you is to jump aboard on our fight to stop this anti animal agricultural movement. It’s coming after all of us. My feeling about NWSS is it’s more then the time to come to Denver and show the world what great stewards of the land and animals in our care. The way to beat these actions is to pull together and show the liberal voters what great people are in this industry.
    Just remember it could be your state next.

Thanks for listening


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
Lobatomy said:
    I live here in this rapidly trending anti-ag state. It breaks my heart what they are doing to us here. I don’t understand why Cattleman’s had to overlap the NWSS dates. I’m all for an all cattle major just do it at another time.
    My plea to all of you is to jump aboard on our fight to stop this anti animal agricultural movement. It’s coming after all of us. My feeling about NWSS is it’s more then the time to come to Denver and show the world what great stewards of the land and animals in our care. The way to beat these actions is to pull together and show the liberal voters what great people are in this industry.
    Just remember it could be your state next.

Thanks for listening
My understanding is that annual horse shows have booked the OKC facility for years and the OKC replacement last year was held on the only open dates then and for any future shows. NWSS was asked to flip the 2nd week to the first to make it where the main breeds could MAKE BOTH but they refused. IMO a year without cattle and people might change this and make OKC, NWSS and FT WORTH a promotable cattleman's January big 3. All of the breed sales did better, some from at least 10 to zero PO's and much better averages, in OKC which I attribute to the big Oklahoma and Texas cattle numbers along with large dominant junior programs. NWSS changed thru time from being a place where every rancher in the west went to buy cattle to an event where the big breeders go to promote the sales they have all winter and spring by showing on the hill and displaying in the nostalgic yards (now torn down) what they have to sell. You couldn't beat the atmosphere of the display bull alley outside the yard bar and sale arena which will be hard to duplicate. NWSS sent a we're back see all the great new stuff we're offering letter to all past exhibitors this week that seemed like window dressing to me when all they have to do is flip their weeks, live up to more than is in their letter and move forward.

Medium Rare

Well-known member
Aug 18, 2013
KANSAS CITY, Mo. ­­­— A decision has been made on the recognition of national shows for January 2022.

The American Hereford Association (AHA) Board of Directors met this week during their spring board meeting to make a decision about recognition levels of the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Okla. and National Western Stock Show (NWSS) in Denver, Colo. The AHA Board voted to host the 2022 National Show and National Hereford Sale during the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City.

The shows and exhibitor surveys were all taken into consideration during this decision. It was decided that Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City will host the 2022 National Show and National Hereford Sale, junior show and pen show.

Following Cattlemen’s Congress, AHA will recognize the NWSS as a Regional Point Show. The AHA will share more information and schedules with its membership and interested parties once both venues have been notified and establish final changes.

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