We feed the conentrait (we feed about 30 head) we mix with cracked shelledd corn, barly oats, and added beet pulp. plus the bagged contrate. we also add some to dress liqud. we did a big no no this year, we changed the liquid about 3 times. we bought cherry flavord oil from our kent mill whch is just like golden flo then put sweet tooth in wich is a mollosses from purinia then we now put in some cheap molessas from our local feed guy. personaly i like the sweet tooth but the boss who pays (dad) said just stick to the cheap stuff. its worth it totaly. it is expensive, it cost me $1 somthing per pound of gain for my steer this year, yeah bad . but we feed to heifers and calves and sshow steers. they have now changes to Honor Show Chow they partnerd everything this year.