purina ppower fuel mixing with supplements

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New member
Aug 17, 2017
I have a steer and i was wondering if i could mix power fuel with ultra full and depth charge or if I  should mix power fuel with champion drive.

Should i be feeding cooked corn on top of all of that?


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2015
Powerful is high in fat, so it is meant to add conditioning.  The ultra full and depth charge are similar in that they are meant to a) add fill for a full look prior to showing b) add depth of body if fed over a longer period.  The depth charge and ultra full target different areas of the body.  The Champion Drive is meant to add muscling (hence the high protein content).

My advice to you is to think about; how much time you have left to get your animal ready extactly what are you trying to accomplish.  Be careful with the Power Fuel and Champion Drive.  Its easy to over do it with those two products. A little goes a long way.  The content vs the amount is misleading visually.  They are concentrated.

Contact Purina directly.  If you e-mail Dr. Kevin Burgoon. He will respond to you.  It may not be within a few minutes or hours. But he will respond.  Good luck with your project!

Cattle Cards

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2011
lookingforchampions has good advice.  It is my understanding that Depth Charge gives a fuller appearance up high and the Ultra Full give a deeper appearance.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  I use Ultra Full on my bulls and heifers.