raush limpd$%^&#K

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
aj said:
tennabaum has some points worth pondering.

cutting the tension with a knife, which points?

aside from the fact that the" original post"......, simply states ( if i  may paraphase  mt....) that"  rush Limbaugh is a pompus ass"  for his views on relief to Haiti......some here seem to share his views.....some here seem to share everything he says...i personally believe that "pompus ass" is an insult to the animal in this case......an ass  only   "has to "  stick his hoof in his mouth at the circus....jbarl


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
If you are truly looking for one who has a posterior for a head, then one needs to look no farther than Danny Glover. Here is his take on the earthquake that hit Haiti.

From Fox News

Actor Danny Glover says the earthquake in Haiti is a result of global warming. Glover told GRITtv that it could have happened to any of the Caribbean island nations: "They are all in peril because of global warming."

Then, he lamented the failure of the climate summit in Copenhagen. As a result of that failure, he says, "this is what happened."


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2009
Well, I've just read all the posts on this subject.  The only thing I can say is, mother's quote that lived through the great depression of the 1930's on an 80 acre farm, is that charity begins at home.  Until this government gets it's crab together we are up !!!!creek without a paddle.  With 27 million people out of a job in this country.  I think our elected officials should start to think about our own country.  We might be the next proverty stricken country in the near future.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
"  rush Limbaugh is a pompus ass"

name calling, check.  lack of quote from rush, STILL check.  kill the messenger, check.  lack of depth, check.  lack of maturity, check. progressive/liberal method, check.

same tired hateful message, check.  no substance, ever, check.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. "patrick henry"

therefore we must outlaw liberty.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
OK OK OK we can make this work. We will have every cow in the driven to coast. The people will donate these cows. And we will seel t shirts to raise money. "The great hayti cattle drive". OK OK OK then....we'll have anyone with a boat, load at least one cow up and boat them to Hayti. It will be a beautiful airial photo with fishing boats hauling one cow at a time. We will have "crosby,Stills,Nash and Young music blasting away. And then we get Sullivan and others to donate eggs to replenish the U.S. cow herd. And all embryo people will donate their services for free. We will make a machine that kicks out baby calves in 4 months instead up having to have receipt cows. OK OK OK then All the cows hauled to Hayti will poop and make the ground fertile again and special trees will sprout up and grow really really fast. Then the wind will blow and the sun will shine really cool like and a bunch of wind generators and solar deals and the children will all have video games to play boughten by the money in Obamas stash. OK OK OK then we will start a fund called the "Caring dictatorfund" Then for ever dollar spent on their personal prostitutes 10% will be donated to the peoples through some kind of agency run by the dictators brother in law. Everybody will be paid the same equal amount....a little bit each year equally so no ones feelings will be hurt.......OK OK OK and we will special postage stamps made and a whole line of coinage developed to commemerate the great cattle drive. OK OK OK.....


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
it's pretty clear that the biggest disaster in haiti is yet to come.

clearing all the rubble, repairing infrastructure, enacting building codes etc.  

the world is not set up to deal with disaster on this scale.  

i'm afraid this is going to be a real big problem.

in the long run, other than the loss of life, this cleansing of the landscape hopefully will be a blessing so the damage will be minimized next time upon reconstruction.

the dilemma will be how to balance resources to get over the hump and build infrastructure that will create commerce.

from USAID.com

54 percent of Haitians live on less than $1/day (UNDP HDR 2007) while illiteracy is estimated at 44 percent;
Unemployment rate in the formal sector is between 70-80 percent;
46 percent of Haitians do not have sustainable access to potable water (UNDP HDR 2007);
Haiti ranks 154 of 177 countries in the UN's Human Development Index.

the only solution is if the growth rate and aid support for jobs infrastructure can outgrow population.

with little to do in haiti, the only possible hobby is population growth.

decent summary document.



Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
knabe said:
JbarL said:
i said support to  rush or support to haiti.....not obama....i think you forgot what we were actually talking about.......you ...as well as mr rush seem to find some connection...??......thats exactly the idiology his audience all seem to share....jbarl

my point is rhetoric is rhetoric whether it's from rush or obama.  i don't ever forget what i am talking about.  i don't listen to rush and still NO ONE has actually posted the supposedly offensive comment he made.  it's a typical liberal rhetoric to hate and create division rather than opportunity.  obama has an audience, and that audience is taking from those that work.  i think you forgot what we were talking about ...you.... as well as mr. obama seem to find some connection....??.....thats exactly the idiology his audience all seem to share. 

since all arguments from a liberals perspective must include an introduction of talking down those who don't agree followed by taking from those same people, it's clear liberals/progressives will never allow those who would vote for them an opportunity to earn their own money to get ahead.  a liberal/progressive policy is that NO ONE must get ahead or ever improve.


Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Which goes back to my original post knabe, if the United States have been sending Haiti 193 MILLION dollars for each of the  last 10 years, where the hell has that money went?? And if they lacked the responsibility to use all that money, why should we believe they will use the aid money any differently?

I do hope they can "wipe the landscape clean" and start over. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If life gives you a second chance, USE IT FOR THE BETTERMENT of society.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Torch said:
dori36 said:
This thread is the poster child for Jason's thoughts about a separate, non-cattle section.  I'm for it, Jason.

People dying ........ Their suffering made  worse by bad choices (both macro & micro).......... Looking to who, China? Cuba? Europe? ....... No they look to the USA for we are the leader in compassion........ Which is afforded to us by our liberty and capitalism....... Take that away and who will answer the call for aid, China? Cuba? Europe?

This thread has been an example of exercising of free speech with a lack of knowledge and wisdom (at times)........ Which is also afforded to us by our liberty....... That is protected by our men and women of our military...... Who will bring our aid to the oppressed and suffering...........Right on-this is going to require a military presence-both in the peace keeping-and medical arenas-this is New Orleans to the power of 190-life was so cheap before this happened-anarchy is probably very close at hand-compassion is part of it -but we are one of the very few countries set up to handle immediate situations like this-and we might be down-you can point in alot of directions-OVER LONG PERIODS of time-but one  way to keep the dollar (the standard) as the standard-is to keep the US and theyre financial allies in  the safe haven for money-physical security etc etc -the Chinese know this-and would rather be co-owned by us than England or France for this economic trend _perse- and a huge number of other reasons.My posts might not have been real clear-alot of the responses opposing my opinion also had ideas within that had alot of merit-My hat goes off first to any and all in our armed forces-They are the principals in this  deal-and dollars to donuts-the relief effort is mostly military decisions, and should be. O0

Can we move on now? :'(


Well-known member
May 16, 2008
aj said:
OK OK OK we can make this work. We will have every cow in the driven to coast. The people will donate these cows. And we will seel t shirts to raise money. "The great hayti cattle drive". OK OK OK then....we'll have anyone with a boat, load at least one cow up and boat them to Hayti. It will be a beautiful airial photo with fishing boats hauling one cow at a time. We will have "crosby,Stills,Nash and Young music blasting away. And then we get Sullivan and others to donate eggs to replenish the U.S. cow herd. And all embryo people will donate their services for free. We will make a machine that kicks out baby calves in 4 months instead up having to have receipt cows. OK OK OK then All the cows hauled to Hayti will poop and make the ground fertile again and special trees will sprout up and grow really really fast. Then the wind will blow and the sun will shine really cool like and a bunch of wind generators and solar deals and the children will all have video games to play boughten by the money in Obamas stash. OK OK OK then we will start a fund called the "Caring dictatorfund" Then for ever dollar spent on their personal prostitutes 10% will be donated to the peoples through some kind of agency run by the dictators brother in law. Everybody will be paid the same equal amount....a little bit each year equally so no ones feelings will be hurt.......OK OK OK and we will special postage stamps made and a whole line of coinage developed to commemerate the great cattle drive. OK OK OK.....


That was funny stuff. (lol) (lol) (lol)


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2009
Central Ohio
Is it right or just to take goods from one to give to another?

When some advicate for such to be done Ii fear the meaning of liberty and the Rights of Man has been lost if ever learned at all.

This tread is very disheartening.