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Any one remember when the Chiangus.....and the Ankina beef associations were formed? If they would have combined would they be more viable today? I think this is a very valid question.
BTDT said:No aj, the epd's do not correlate. But, the red angus have gotten together with the simmi's and now have epd's that can directly compare the two breeds. From what I understand they are looking at including several other breeds as well, but not the black angus.
The breed associations were founded on totally different concepts. The red angus was founded with 100% commercial and performance acceptance in mind. That is why they have total herd reporting, so that EVERY SINGLE OFFSPRING is considered, instead of just the ones the breeders want included. I have heard several black angus breeders absolutely bash the THR because "Why would we want to admit and highlight our sub-par cattle?"
DSCSD is correct in their thinking, but it is breed dependent.... meaning, he seems to think the AAA would be lowering their standards by allowing Red angus in, when in fact, the reds would be lowering their standards (THR) to want to allow the blacks in!
DSCSD also admits that white is allowed and is not acceptable to most breeders unless "it is a cow family that they do not have much of or unless it is really good". The red angus have very clear rules on white and it does not matter how "good" it is, or "how many of the family line" is alive, it automatically goes to a category II. Again, a difference in philosophy.
And that, in a nutshell, is why the breeds will never become one.
by cowman 52: "Had a conversation with a Friend who hauls 90 percent registered cattle from sales all over the country. His business is very busy, his view of the angus has a large number of small breeders totally fed up with the epd business, the whole herd paper work, the dna requirements ( read that as COST) and the current state of the St. Joe office and many are going to the sim and chi breeds."