A "ridiculous good one" at what Being stuffed and fluffed at a show? Raising a calf that weans at 65% of her body weight? Staying in? What are your goals?
I bought a ridiculously good one this spring, but she isn't for sale!! Time will tell if my investment will pay off!
The reds seem to be at a crossroads... some are pushing the show ring and forgetting production, while others are concentrating on production without much thought to eye appeal or popularity.
I try to raise production type of cattle that will do well in the show ring (notice I didn't say WIN in the show ring). I also need them to perform in my management system which isn't always in a barn, under fans, with a full feed pan in front of them. I like the Six Mile program and have great things to say about their owners. Always willing to answer my questions, always friendly. SooLine also has that same type of cattle.
I would also consider trying to purchase some of the UBAR embryos that are for sale. That herd dispersed but still has some awesome embryos available (raising your own is very rewarding!!).
Bieber, Cross Diamond has some great cattle that will perform as well as show.
You might also look at Brylors line up of donors. Again, by the embryos and raise your own.
I realize I left out some "noteable names" but I did that on purpose. I am trying to recommend good cattle from good people.
Remember, a pretty one doesn't always make the best donor cow, and the ugly one just might throw your next champion.