i have identified two properties, one with a huge spring. one place has too much steep land, over kill on the house, the other, the spring is weeker, but water is closer to the surface and a former dairy with nice out building.
while watching dr. phi
yesterday with my wife, she noticed that one had only ONE bathroom, but 400 more ft2 and she said there was NO WAY she was moving into a house with one bathroom. i told her life was about comprimises, and she said she wasn't comprimising. it's not like we ever have guest, or that a 2nd one couldn't easily be added.
man from mars women from venus question
is there an alternative to triple fold towels so that you don't have to take the towel off the hanger to use it and REFOLD after use that is suitable to women? double folding doesn't require you to take the towel off the rack to use, but it leaves the UNSIGHTLY edges of the towel visible.
seems like oprah could solve this or at least someone with an entrepenuerial spirit. i wonder if women ever think about helping men help them. can't remember a show on dr. phil or oprah about this. :