Humane Societ also wants to undo what OHIO got the jump on......
Ohio put in place so we wouldn't be another California Issue 2.
Humane Society wants to upend '09 vote
Sunday, February 21, 2010 1:15 AM
Columbus Dispatch
The Thursday Dispatch letter from Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the United States, was headlined, "State should step up for animal welfare." My response is, we did.
Just three months ago, by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, Ohioans approved Issue 2 to create the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board. Soon, its 13 members, including Ohio veterinarians, farmers, consumers, local animal-welfare advocates and others will begin the process of balancing animal care with related issues such as jobs and the economy, preservation of family farms and the cost, safety and availability of locally produced food. This thoughtful, comprehensive and inclusive system apparently isn't good enough for out-of-state animal-rights activists who believe their ideas are superior to the will of Ohio's voters.
The Washington, D.C.-based HSUS, which is not the parent organization of local humane societies, has prepared to hire paid signature gatherers in an effort to place a measure on the November ballot to undo Issue 2. Its plan would dictate that HSUS values become part of the Ohio Constitution.
Among those values, as explained on the society's Web site, is the incremental removal of meat, milk and eggs from the human diet. Regarding Pacelle's feeling that he was rebuffed by Ohio farmers, I would argue the contrary.
The threat that a $162 million activist organization had targeted our state was extremely motivating and led directly to the creation of the care board. Farmers would prefer HSUS become part of the process instead of trying to hijack it.