Royal Highland show 1966

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2014
perth scotland
I have found a catalouge from the royal highland show printed for the 1966 show and it lists the past winners of the uppermill cup for best female and in 1963 the winners are cadesky and Donaldson is this the louda people?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
woodyc said:
I have found a catalouge from the royal highland show printed for the 1966 show and it lists the past winners of the uppermill cup for best female and in 1963 the winners are cadesky and Donaldson is this the louda people?
Louis Cadeskey and Wib Donaldson were the owners of Louada Shorthorns, Peterborough, Ontario. They imported a large number of animals including the Saltoun herd.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2014
perth scotland
Did they also buy the bapton herd managed by Gordon blackstock In the early 60s too I seem to remember reading it was sold to canada and gordon was to go too but he died in a road accident near aberdeen in the middle 60s on the same idea louda came too uppermill all through the 1950s and bought the pick of the heifer crop each year


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Louada made several purchases from Bapton but I don't remember them buying the entire herd. I do remember when Gordon Blackstock died and I also remember that he was supposed to be moving to Louada but he died before this happened. It could well be that they had done a deal on the entire herd as well. When I was at Louada in late June, 1967, there were a few Bapton cows but far more Denend cows in the herd. Louada Farms was a beautiful place and Wib Donaldson and his wife were the most gracious hosts. Gary Latimer of Remitall and myself delivered the first Polled Herefords to Louada. We were just 16 years old and I often wonder what was wrong with our parents, to allow two 16 year old kids to head off on a 2000 mile trip,( one way) and deliver cattle and buy cattle all the way down and back. I have often wondered what happened to the Louada farm property once Wib died.