Scales and Quiet Cool fan have SOLD Tks to everyone!!

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
marku said:
what are the scales and how much?
The scales are Triner scales! This unit is very similar to the Tru-Test package. The all aluminum cattle platform is heavier duty and wider than the Tru-test platform. The unit is only 2 years old. I've had no problems with them! I will have a price and pictures after the Houston show!


New member
Feb 22, 2011
I would be willing to take what's left.  We will be in Houston as well.  It's nice to have back-up equip/supplies.


Feb 21, 2011
i am interested in the scales,  what brand and weight range are they and pricing.  i will be at houston also during the steer show.  will you have it with you?


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
The scales are Triner scales manufactured in the US! The unit is rated for 5000#!
They are just over 2 years old!
I will have a price posted after Houston!


Active member
Nov 30, 2010
transplanter said:
I will have just about everything that you would need to show a heifer or steer.
My famly is getting out of the show business! This will be my sons last year!
We have as a family one more show to make in Houston; this being said we will have just about anything you could need with the exception of trailer and chutes; these have already been spoken for. I have everything else!!
For those of you that have already shown interest in our items please bare with us until after the Houston Livestock Show.
I assure you everything that we sell will be in very good shape!! We believe in taking care of our gear!!
Everything that we have has been bought either from Sullivan's or Elite show products! My wife believes in getting the best for ours boys so I have the best of everything!! NO steel all aluminum!
Be looking after the Houston show! I'll post everything that I will have!

I will buy the chute from you and if you happen to have any stalls i would buy them also.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
transplanter said:
I will have just about everything that you would need to show a heifer or steer.
My famly is getting out of the show business! This will be my sons last year!
We have as a family one more show to make in Houston; this being said we will have just about anything you could need with the exception of trailer and chutes; these have already been spoken for. I have everything else!!
For those of you that have already shown interest in our items please bare with us until after the Houston Livestock Show.
I assure you everything that we sell will be in very good shape!! We believe in taking care of our gear!!
Everything that we have has been bought either from Sullivan's or Elite show products! My wife believes in getting the best for ours boys so I have the best of everything!! NO steel all aluminum!
Be looking after the Houston show! I'll post everything that I will have!


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2010
Now that Houston is over I was wondering what all you had left to sell and how much you where asking for what you had


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
transplanter said:
I will have just about everything that you would need to show a heifer or steer.
My famly is getting out of the show business! This will be my sons last year!
We have as a family one more show to make in Houston; this being said we will have just about anything you could need with the exception of trailer and chutes; these have already been spoken for. I have everything else!!
For those of you that have already shown interest in our items please bare with us until after the Houston Livestock Show.
I assure you everything that we sell will be in very good shape!! We believe in taking care of our gear!!
Everything that we have has been bought either from Sullivan's or Elite show products! My wife believes in getting the best for ours boys so I have the best of everything!! NO steel all aluminum!
Be looking after the Houston show! I'll post everything that I will have!
Houston is Done!
I've sold alot but still have a few items left! Be watching! I'll be posting items all week!
PM for price!
Just posted scales!


Nov 9, 2008
What do you want for your scales?  You can call us at 812-279-9416 Home  and 812-797-3590 cell ask for Matt!

transplanter said:
transplanter said:
I will have just about everything that you would need to show a heifer or steer.
My famly is getting out of the show business! This will be my sons last year!
We have as a family one more show to make in Houston; this being said we will have just about anything you could need with the exception of trailer and chutes; these have already been spoken for. I have everything else!!
For those of you that have already shown interest in our items please bare with us until after the Houston Livestock Show.
I assure you everything that we sell will be in very good shape!! We believe in taking care of our gear!!
Everything that we have has been bought either from Sullivan's or Elite show products! My wife believes in getting the best for ours boys so I have the best of everything!! NO steel all aluminum!
Be looking after the Houston show! I'll post everything that I will have!
Houston is Done!
I've sold alot but still have a few items left! Be watching! I'll be posting items all week!
PM for price!
Just posted scales!



Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
transplanter said:
I will have just about everything that you would need to show a heifer or steer.
My famly is getting out of the show business! This will be my sons last year!
We have as a family one more show to make in Houston; this being said we will have just about anything you could need with the exception of trailer and chutes; these have already been spoken for. I have everything else!!
For those of you that have already shown interest in our items please bare with us until after the Houston Livestock Show.
I assure you everything that we sell will be in very good shape!! We believe in taking care of our gear!!
Everything that we have has been bought either from Sullivan's or Elite show products! My wife believes in getting the best for ours boys so I have the best of everything!! NO steel all aluminum!
Be looking after the Houston show! I'll post everything that I will have!
Houston is Done!
I've sold alot but still have a few items left! Be watching! I'll be posting items all week!
PM for price!
Just posted pictures of miscellaneous items!


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2011
transplanter said:
I have sold everything but my scales!
Make me an offer!
They are only two years old and have worked fine!
This is our last year to show so I don't need them any longer!
PM me with a price!