Well-known member
The scariest phrase in the English language.."Hi, we're from the federal government, and we're here to help!" It is comical to watch congress try and micro-manage the bussinesses they tried to bail out. Government and Bureauacrats are so inefficient. Barney Frank and congress will probably now spend 200 million dollars trying to get the 150 million dollars of bonuses back from the AIG. Like always it is symbolism over substance. Barney Frank can't manage his own life and congress let alone every business in the world. Jimmy Carter was great at micro-management.....look how his presidental term turned out. Nixon tried to freeze prices,wages,whatever, and that was a disaster.Big government is not good and good government is not big. Just keep it simple stupid will be the phrase 4 years from now. Oh yes Obama is going to do late night now. I guess this is a modern feable attempt at a FDR "fireside chat"? Just feel right. I guess polls say 50% of the american public doesn't read and they get their news from the comedy channel,saturday night live, and Rachel Maddow this might be a political savy move. I MISS RONALD REAGAN! I know....there I go again. ;D