Seeking advice

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downey beef

Sep 2, 2012

My family and I have showed cattle for years it started way back with my older brother and sister. I showed for years and really enjoyed all of the work and effort that needed to go into this project year in and year out. I am to old now to show but have two younger siblings that like to show. I work a fully one job off the and am not around much to help. Last year was the first year they did just about everything on their own. They did a great job waking up early and staying out in the barn until late. They did so well I bought them better heifers last fall to show this year. They worked all winter and spring long on these animals and had them in great shape. But then may came. Ever since May it's like pulling teeth to get them to work with their cattle. They have done the minimum since May. They get the feed and water done everyday but the grooming and practice for the show ring is not getting done. They still want to take their animals to all of the fairs. Should I let them? I feel they don't deserve to go because they did not get the work done right. How should I handle this situation?


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Well if you bought the heifers call them and tell them you're picking them up to take to the sale, if they don't have the time to put in the work you might as well sell them while they still have value, see how they react.

Sometimes even the best kids need a little kick in the rear to get going again.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Wait and let the results in the ring be the determinant.  If they've done 'enough,' it will show- if they haven't, that will show as well. 


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Yep.  If their heifers don't look and act as well as they have been, they should realize why and if they care they'll want to change it.  If they don't care then it's up to you from there.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2014
This definitely reminds me of myself. While I was a junior and my dad bought my heifers for me, it kinda wasn't my highest priority. I would do just enough to get them to the show good. Every year I got more interested and the past 3 years I have put a lot of work. I realized the change was the that my money was what was invested in the show cattle later and it was MY business to run. Long story short, maybe get their own money or future into the game or give it time, if they really do want to show, their desire will grow.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I Agree with X-bar unless it going to cost me more to haul them around, no since throwing good money after bad.

Is there a particular family in your area that do well at shows, that put in the time and sweat, and get results.
The boy I helped out for a couple of years started giving me excuses, so I asked him, "do you think that "blank" is sleeping in, skipping rinsing, or working his calf. If you want to compete with him you better put in the same work or more, because you know he was blowing calves out while you were still sleeping."

He got back at it, I just had to nudge him every once and awhile.

On a side note the young man posted this on facebook yesterday, must have been bored on base, he has been in the army for the last 8 months.

"Uncle Pat appreciation post .. Thank you uncle pat for teaching me all you have taught and always being there to help me with no matter what I needed and being like another dad to me, thank you for taking time off of work to take me to jackpots or help me pick up a calf or even the all night drives to colburns and back, or the all nighter waiting for pigs to be born you have done so much for me and I am grateful for that !!


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Spend the money to let them go and reap whatever fruits their efforts yeild. If it goes the way you're saying its Gonna go- it may be one of the best investments you make for their future commitments