I have a few thoughts for everyone to consider -- I will try to be brief.
First off, the old standard of breeding 12 hours after you first see a cow standing is a Good and Bad deal. Case in point, every cow is different I agree, however, if you follow the time line of heat versus ovualtion, and then look into the time it takes semen to be able to fertilize after deposition, you will see the following --
Pre-estrous - 3-6 hours.
Standing estrous - 10-18 hours -- about 15 average believe it or not.
Post Estrous -- another 3 or more hours.
Time from deposition to be able to fertilize (Removal of cryo-protectants) will be about 3 hours give or take.
Total time to ovulation from -0- -- almost 30 hours.
Max time of life for frozen semen -- (Good semen) no more than 20 hours.
Sexed semen is severely stressed in the process of seperation, and is on the table alot longer than normal semen, therefore it will NOT last as long, and will NOT be as viable to begin with. Also, there are severely smaller numbers involved.
You REALLY need to be on time with this stuff or you will be very dissapointed. It will fertilize, don't get me wrong, but you just need to be on your A game from the start!
I hope that answers your wquestion -- borrom line is -- breed them later than you ever would with your 12 hour standard deal.
Personaly, I never touch a cow here -- A-I or a donor -- unless she has been completely out of heat for at least 6 hours, alot of itme more like 10! It works very well , but if I ever get ina hurry, well there goes the conception rates!
Best of luck --